<p>Considering buying a new iPad with some of my Christmas money. Do any current students reccomend a tablet or will it basically be useless. Also should I buy Microsoft office(which I guess you need internet for) or OpenOffice? Thanks and happy holidays.</p>
<p>Hi there! I love my iPad so much; in fact, I purchased a newer one this year since my old one wasn’t keeping up! I don’t take my laptop to class (I’m an engineer, so basically all hand-written notes), and an iPad is great to have when you need to look up something or do some work in between classes. I managed to find several PDF versions of my textbooks and used my iPad as a mobile textbook daily. However, I wouldn’t recommend the iPad in place of a computer or for typing essays. I love my MacBook so much. If you don’t own a laptop, I recommend putting the money towards that instead. However, if you insist on using your iPad to type essays, the whole campus has wifi so that internet option sounds good if it’s cheaper. All in all, if you have the money to spare for an iPad, and don’t mind reading books on it. Hope this helps!
-Cornell Freshman </p>
<p>The iPad is good if you’re looking for a simple, no-frills PDF reader, internet browser, and if you have a keyboard, word processor. If you’re looking for anything more, like handwritten notes or remote desktop, I would recommend the Surface Pro 3. But you shouldn’t get either of them until you get a full laptop.</p>
<p>Never was a fan of tablets. I’ve owned an iPad before but ended up selling it. Between my phone and my laptop I found that I was rarely using it. Others live on their tablets and only use their computers for writing papers. It’s all a matter of personal preference.</p>
<p>As far as word processors go, I’m pretty sure that students are eligible for a free version of Office 365 through Cornell. See this website:
<a href=“Office 365 Productivity Bundle | IT@Cornell”>Office 365 Productivity Bundle | IT@Cornell;