TAG GPA Requirements: Cumulative or per Quarter?

<p>I have a quick question regarding TAGs. I currently have TAGs set up with UCSD, UCSB, and UCSC for Fall 2011. I completed all of my GEs with a good gpa (probably like 3.6 or 3.7), and I recently switched to a more challenging major (delaying my transfer a year) and my GPA has dropped since I had to take the entire calculus series etc. Also since I stayed an extra year, I'm only taking 2 classes per quarter so that I am still technically a "junior" transfer</p>

<p>My question is this: In reference to the minimum 3.0 GPA requirement, is this only cumulative? I ask this question because last quarter I got a C in Calculus 3 and an A in my other class, balancing out into a 3.0 for the quarter. THIS quarter, however, I am (likely) to get a C in Calculus 4 (possibly a D if I do very poorly on the final), and a B in my other class, which means I did not have above a 3.0 for this winter quarter. Does this jeopardize my tag, or do they only care that my cumulative GPA is over 3.0? Also, if I were to bomb my final and get a D in calc 4 (not failing but no major credit), would that make a difference?</p>

<p>Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I made an account to ask this after I found out I wasn't getting an A in my non-math class today and panicked.</p>

<p>You need a 3.0 cumulative, but you need atleast a 2.0 every term after you get approved. So, if you get atleast a 2.0 this quarter and your cumulative stays above a 3.0, you’re okay.</p>