I was under the assumption that I could fulfill TAG requirements by the end of Fall 2019, to apply for Fall 2020 admission through TAG. But my college’s transfer workshop video said that they needed to be finished by Spring before TAG applications open, or I don’t qualify.
Can anyone please explain which is correct?
Thanks for your time
Search up the UC TAG Matrix and it lists the requirements for TAG. I do recall that most UC’s require the first English and Math courses be taken a year before, and the second English course can be taken during the Spring quarter before transfer.
So for TAG you need to have the TAG fulfilling GPA completed the summer before you apply. I am in the same boat as you and have asked this question to my counselor before. As for the 7 course pattern they like you to follow, you need that done by the end of the spring semester before your admission and you typically need your math/english requirements done by the end of the fall semester in which you are applying so basically fall 2019. Hope it helps, let me know