Take math 16 series but can still continue down math 1 track?

<p>Hi, I'm an incoming fall freshman and currently, I plan on pursuing pre-business or econ. I have signed up for math 16 series but I'm suddenly unsure if I should take 1 instead because I may always change my mind =/. I took the AP calc bc test and pretty sure I scored a 5. </p>

<p>My question is can I pursue something that requires math 1 (because I fulfilled it using AP credit) but also have taken math 16? I would have skipped out of math 1 or 16 completely but new requirements for business require 16b or 1b even if you received a 5 on BC. </p>

<p>For example, can I take 16B this semester, then math 53 next semester (but for that, using AP exception from math 1a/1b as the prereq)?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if my question comes across clearly but I have a hard time explaining it =/. I hope it's understandable. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you can. However, I would check with the department (via email/phone) before deciding on your classes. What major/minor did you have in mind?</p>

<p>Thanks, I tried calling but it doesn’t go through, and I don’t really know who to call… I don’t have any minors or alternative majors. I change my mind quite often and am generally an indecisive person, so who knows I might end up enjoying something else and choose to pursue something that needs the math 1 series =P.</p>

<p>worst case, you just take the class later.</p>

<p>rider: i thought we cannot take math 1 series after taking math 16… unless i’m wrong.</p>