Hey guyss :3
So as the title suggests should I retake the ACT for the third time this October.
--------> (I have taken the SAT twice but I have yet to receive the score for the second one. I got a 1930 the first time)
Composite: 30
Math: 30
English: 29 (Essay: 10)
Science: 28
Reading: 33
Composite: 30
Math: 32
English: 31 (Essay: 11)
Science: 29
Reading: 29 (whoops lol!!!)
Superscored, I get a 31 but i really want that golden 34. I only took two practice tests before my first try and actually didn’t study at all until the day before for my second attempt ( I know I should’ve but that month was hectic for me…)
Will colleges look down upon taking the ACT three times considering a better score the third time? I really want to qualify for merit scholarships and have a better chance to get into good colleges.
Oh and should I just take the ACT without the Essay because I am fine with a 11 essay? Will colleges use this score if its from a different test?
Thanks in advance 
If you nail the timing on ACT, you can get that 34. I got a 30.5 on my first ACT (almost exactly the same as your 2nd one), but without studying I thought about nailing the timing so that I finished each section the next time and ended up with a 34.0. I actually took a PlanACT that was a 30 equivalent before both ACTs, so my situation was almost the exact same as yours! I know you can do better than a 30, just take a practice test to familiarize yourself with the timing requirements and you’ll easily get 32, with 33-35 being within grasp if you do really well.
Best of luck, you’ve got this!
Most universities don’t superscore the ACT. So, if you don’t take it with writing, they won’t look at the score if they require “with writing”. Most universities also don’t require you to send all scores, so if you get a 32+ composite, how will they know that you had 2 lower scores? That having been said, I don’t think there’s a problem with taking it 3 times. Four, five, six, seven - then you’ve got a problem.
Lol that’s great @Hermit9 I plan to study extensively! And @bouders I am applying early to Johns Hopkins and they do superscore the act but I am not sure if they’ll look at my essays from previous tests.
@bouders I think you might be incorrect on this one- I took the ACT without writing in September and scored 34, a sizable improvement from my 31 in April. I got an 8 on both writings I did before that, but I highly doubt they would not accept my composite from a different date. I always considered super scores regarding just the individual subjects