<p>Based on your experiences, do you think it would be okay for me to take 2 AP history classes the same year?</p>
<p>I'm planning on taking AP World History and AP U.S. History in junior year. (Euro in senior year)</p>
<p>Based on your experiences, do you think it would be okay for me to take 2 AP history classes the same year?</p>
<p>I'm planning on taking AP World History and AP U.S. History in junior year. (Euro in senior year)</p>
<p>Depending on the way the subject is taught, it may or may not cause a problem. If your AP US History course is anything like mine, then it’s going to be a lot of work. It’s manageable though, so you should be fine. Small portions of those subjects overlap, so it’s interesting to see it from two different perspectives.</p>
<p>I’m taking both AP Euro & AP USH, and I’m still alive and sane…the main bummer for me is that the AP exams are on the same day. In general, consider how you’ve performed in history classes in the past. I don’t imagine it posing a huge problem if you can manage your time well.</p>
<p>If you love history enough to want to take so many classes of it, I think it should be a-ok. :)</p>
<p>I may take both IB 20th Century and AP Euro next year.</p>
<p>at the moment i’m taking both APUSH and AP US/Comparative Government. Gov isn’t a history class but it’s still a social studies class. i’m doing good in both, though apush is a lot of work. i would ask around school to see how much work the teachers give since the teacher really determines how hard an ap class will be. but as someone said already, if you really like history then go for it =)</p>
<p>This, like 95% of the questions on this forum these days, depends entirely on you. </p>
<p>With a little thought, I’m sure that you can figure out that no one here can give a definitive answer to your ability to handle two history classes, and balance it with everything else. Some people can, some people can’t; this is for you to decide.</p>
<p>The only thing I can probably say is, if you want to, go ahead.</p>
<p>I am absolutely horrendous at history. It’s by far my worst class. I’m definitely a math/science person but I’m taking AP Euro and AP Art History. Even though they are both absolutely killing me and they’re the only classes I do a speck of work for, it works out kind of nicely for art history because a lot of it is review from AP euro. I’d say go for it, but remember it can be really hard if you’re not big into history.</p>
<p>Depends on your teachers, really, but I’m taking 2 Englishes. Now THAT’s bad. :< Insaaaaane workload!</p>
<p>Do you have the option of taking Euro and World together? I think those would overlap nicely, more so than World + US.</p>
<p>I’m taking Human Geography and Art History this year. It’s not very hard. The tests fall on the same day a little bit too often, but I don’t have to study or prep much for tests in either class because I pay attention in class and (for Art History) do my reading. So I consistently have the highest grade in Art History and have obtained higher scores on some things than any other student in my teacher’s career. In HuGeog I think I normally have the second highest score, but I’m not entirely sure.</p>
<p>@jamesford- That sounds like a good idea. At my school however it is recommended to take AP World as a prerequisite before taking AP Euro. Why do you suppose that is? But still I’ll look into it and see if it is a better combination.</p>
<p>at my school if you got straight As taking only 2 ap classes junior year you would barely break top 50% of over 700 ppl.</p>
<p>I really can’t think of any reason for that policy. Euro and world are traditionally two of the first AP classes people take. It’s not as if world is an easier AP that would prepare you for euro. Maybe your school thinks that with a strong foundation in world history, you’re more likely to succeed in euro?</p>
<p>I’m currently taking AP Euro and AP USH, while also taking both AP Physics (my school splits up Mechanics and E&M) so I’ve got 4 classes that are essentially just two topics (varied as they may be), but I find it pretty cool. I think it’s definitely do-able, but be ready to spend a lot of time reading. Not too mention, the AP testing is going to be crammed together.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone.</p>
<p>New question-</p>
<p>Junior year: AP Euro/AP World or APUSH/AP World??</p>
<p>jamesford has said that the first is better but I’d like to hear more people’s opinions. Thanks!</p>
<p>US and World might be more difficult because its two COMPELTELY different subjects…one focuses entirely on American while the other is basic world-wide themes mostly focusing on eurasia, ancient history, etc. they are very dissimilar styles of teaching as well…US is much more detail oriented while world focuses on generalities, comparisons, etc.</p>
<p>Euro and World might be better because you could use information from each class to help you in the other. Euro gives you a more detailed approach to history, but one that is also useful in learning World, and the comparisons/generalities from World can be used to enhance you Euro class. </p>
<p>I’ve taken all those classes (or rather, I’m taking Euro this year) :)</p>
<p>Currently I’m taking Euro and Gov and Art History, which is working out pretty well. except Art History is really difficult, since even though I know the history part, the art/architecture is really all new material that I’ve never learnt about</p>
<p>I took APUSH and AP Euro the same year (sophomore) and from experience, the classes together are totally doable, just with lots of reading and homework. The real problem comes on the day of the AP Exams, which are obviously on the same day. I managed to get a 5 on APUSH because it was the first one in the morning but totally burned out (after 6 essays and 180 some MC) for AP Euro and only got a 4, not to mention cramming for two tests the night before. </p>
<p>As for AP World, its completely on a different level than APUSH or APEuro, as in much easier and not as in depth, so frankly, it doesnt matter that much whichever one you take it with. </p>
<p>Hope that helps a little?</p>