<p>at the same time. Doable? I was just playing around with the idea, but i do like learning new languages.
<p>yes. 10char</p>
<p>are beginner language classes here fun/easy? id want to take something like french or german 1 before graduating, but wouldnt do it if it wouldn’t be enjoyable and if it were too difficult</p>
<p>Im wondering the same thing. I heard they are fun, but also may take a lot of time.</p>
<p>Beginner French (1-2) is easy, intermediate French (3-4) is a lot more time consuming. I don’t know anything about German, sorry. I’ve heard that the East Asian languages are really difficult – not just the language, but they have constant quizzes, apparently.</p>
<p>some people are adept at learning languages, and know everything about grammar, and i have friends who can easily take more than one language at a time. but i can tell you with certainty that those people are very unusual. i also noticed that they did very well on tests, but they actually did not understand the words they were using. there were conjugating verbs correctly, but they had no idea what the words they were writing down meant. </p>
<p>me, i would never try it. i do speak two foreign languages and have studied two more in addition to those, but when i learned them it was all encompassing because i deplore the tedium of foreign grammar. and french is very complex (even from the start if you ask me). some people have a knack for it. so who knows. maybe you will be a wiz. not sure why you want to do it though.</p>
<p>Gradewise, beginning language courses tend to be pretty easy. German 1 is a piece of cake, and a lot of fun.</p>
<p>That being said, I really discourage taking two language courses at the same time…just because it will be very confusing. Language acquisition is a tricky thing!</p>