<p>Now I figure you must be kidding.</p>
<p>Why would you be taking Calc II if you're ready for Calc III and or LA? "Pumping" your GPA from 3.9 to 3.93 is meaningless. But you knew that.</p>
<p>Now I figure you must be kidding.</p>
<p>Why would you be taking Calc II if you're ready for Calc III and or LA? "Pumping" your GPA from 3.9 to 3.93 is meaningless. But you knew that.</p>
<p>I can still take Calc III , but as you said that the admission counselors might find it a little awckward... for taking it with Calc II in the same semester..</p>
<p>pakiboy is a troll...stop encouraging his stupid comments!!! Like are you serious you want to go from a 3.9 to a 3.93... thats ridiculous troll....i mean what happen to the op kyle before pakiboy slightly intervened around the 5th post in this thread...hmmmm</p>
<p>troll....r u kiddin me?</p>
<p>Holy crap, jun! I thought paki made this thread. lmfao.</p>
<p>Wow everyone totally forgot about me! LOL!!</p>
<p>The only reason why I want to take double is because I'm technically a semester behind from taking one off, but maybe I shouldn't kill myself over it.</p>
<p>Welcome back, kyle, lol. I was wondering what happened to you. Even whether paki and kyle were the same poster, lol.</p>
<p>26 credits seems a little crazy, but you haven't told us much about your plans, so hard to say whether you should go for so many credits. Usually... no.</p>