<p>I'm sophomore right now and
the schedule of my junioor year class is</p>
<p>AP Language and Composition
AP Calculus AB
US Government
AP Biology or Physics
both of them..</p>
<p>The problem is.... if i take AP Biology and physics and chemistry together,
it will be 3 sciences at one year.. and also it is 6 majors..
and i also have to quit my chorus..
do you think this gonna be too hard?
Of course,,, i'm looking for really good colleges.. (IVY LEAGUE)..
Should i take all these 6 classes or just 5?
I'm pretty sure my gpa will be low down because of taking hard classes..</p>
<p>My current gpa is 94.2... Our school does not have 3.0 or 4.0 such system..
so what is my gpa for such point system?</p>
<p>I think you should try to keep that GPA as high as possible. What is the upside to taking the two AP science classes next year? I assume there is only one AP science course left after that. How would you fill your schedule the year after. I guess my advice would be to look at this more as a two year decision by mapping out both years.</p>
<p>How many years of foreign language have you taken?</p>
<p>Perhaps if you were applying to MIT or Caltech, such a schedule would resonate with admissions, and perhaps not. But for universities such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, etc. a well rounded schedule with an emphasis on core subjects is “highly” recommended. If you’re unsure about this, look at their admissions web sites, and especially under recommended high school curriculum. In brief the recommendation is four years of English, foreign language, history/social science, math and lab science. Your schedule doesn’t include a foreign language. Perhaps that’s because you’ve completed the equivalent of 4 years. Also dropping chorus may hurt you in the end. It depends on the depth of your involvement and your skill/role in the chorus. If you’re very good, and if you have a key role, then continuing in the chorus is more likely to help your application then 3 science courses.</p>
<p>Think also (as noted in the previous post) about what you’ll do in senior year. There’s plenty of time to take all/most of the lab science courses that your school offers.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t let us double up on subjects. Haha, lucky. I wish I could take 2 sciences. </p>
<p>I think you should challenge yourself enough to keep your GPA pretty high, but it’s always good if you have a B or two because then you know that you are really stretching your limits. I don’t know how rigorous your APs are at your school, but ask people who have already taken those classes and take their experiences into consideration. Also, I think colleges like well-rounded people more, and 2 sciences is probably enough. </p>
<p>Why are you quitting chorus? If you like a lot it you should continue! I used to be in choir but I quit sophomore year because the high school choir director wasn’t as good as middle school, and his classes were reeeaally boring. I bet it’ll look good on your college application. Shows dedication if you’re in it all 4 years and also well-roundedness.</p>
<p>flash, don’t do it! You’ll be burnt out. Two is plenty. WHy can’t you just do two senior year as well if you feel you need more science. Don’t drop chorus, if it is a class you rally like, it will help you stay sane.</p>
<p>My S doubled up on his science courses both his junior year and his senior (AP Chemistry and Honors Regents Physics junior year and AP Physics and AP Biology senior year). It is a lot of work but if you love science, then go for it. For him, two sciences and two labs was great. I do think it impressed the colleges that he got accepted to this year - in fact in one of the acceptance letters, they specifically mentioned it. But I can’t quite see adding three of these tough science courses in one year, especially because they each have a lab and the lab work (reports) is extensive for each of them. It won’t leave much room in your schedule for any electives. And my S loved band this year- so if you love chorus, why drop it- it really does help keep you sane and most colleges, even very competitive ones are looking for well rounded students.</p>
<p>hmm… thank you for all the anwers.
I did not take any foreign language classes because i can speak 3 different languages…
but looks like its time to learn other one.
I speak Korean (native language), English and Mandarine which is very fluent but my school does not offer any Chinese classes
if 3 sciences are too much… then should i change the 6th major to
one other foreign language?
our school offers 4levels of foreign languages and ap course
there are spanish french german and latin…
if i take language 1 next year, then i will only learn till language 2 in senior year…which is really easy class and far behind than others who are mostly taking language 4 or ap…</p>
<p>also… i really like chorus… but i think 5 major is just not enough…
i think i should push myself little more so i can be able to take 6 majors…
actually, i am planning to join singers group(extracurricular activies) next year,
so do you think singing club will make up for not taking chorus??</p>
<p>At last, if i have to choose between physics and ap biology…
which one should i take?</p>
<p>if i take physics in junior year then i can take ap physics at senior year…</p>
<p>if i take ap biology in senior year then i think its good because i have 3 ap exams scheduled for junior year, and probobably can get ap scholor… or something like that…</p>