<p>Doable or stupid?</p>
<p>I think you’re only allowed 18 credits per semester otherwise you have to pay extra. And 18 credits is about 4 classes</p>
<p>Most core classes are 4 credits each, which leaves 2 credits which you could use for an elective. I think there are plenty of 2 credit electives to choose from.</p>
<p>Oh, I know you CAN do it, I’m just wondering if anyone knows if the workload would be too much.</p>
<p>That obviously depends on the individual person and what else they have going on in their life. If you’re working/bad at school/whatever it might not be the smartest idea.
18 credits isn’t too bad, a lot of 2-credit classes end halfway through the semester so you only take them for like 7-8 weeks.</p>
<p>Five classes often ends up being more than 18 credits, and you have to pay extra if you take more than 18 credits per semester.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if it’s easy to take 2-credit electives while in LSP? I would like to max out at 20 credits this Fall, so I’d probably have 4 semester-long classes and one elective for about 8 weeks. Is it possible for an LSP student?</p>