<p>I have been taking a history class pass/fail, and I am considering changing it to credit. I was thinking of changing it to credit because I do put in a good amount of work in the class, and taking it pass fail may not reward me for my efforts as much as it should. The class has a lecture taught by the professor, but the TAs are responsible for the assignments and grading.</p>
<p>I am not very confident in the TA who is in charge of grading. She is smart and understands the material, but she has a different idea of how the class should be run, and has unrealistic expectations for the class. For example, the professor told us to focus on the big picture when doing the 100+ pages of reading that are assigned each week, but she told us to focus on the terms and specific details. She told us that she grades exams based on your response to specific details, such as dates, people, etc. This sounds normal, details are very important, but her expectations seemed obnoxious because she expected a half a page long response to a short answer that is supposed to be written in 4 minutes. I have taken 300 and 400 level humanities classes before, but this class seems uniquely unreasonable in the way the TA handles it.</p>
<p>Should I stick it out? I still have a month to make my decision, and we have not had our first test yet. I am just a little concerned because a lot of the students in class seemed disturbed by her expectations during a review session- several even confronted her about it, but she did not change her views on how the exams should be graded.</p>