<p>Hi. sorry I didn’t know where else to put this. I am interested in going to UC Davis and I am going to be a senior in high school next year. I’m looking at classes to take at a community college.</p>
<p>I am interested in taking intro to business, but would this help out my UC gpa because it is not an A-G course? or is it? am i better off taking a class like oceanography, geology, geography,anthropology, etc. If it doesn’t matter i would prefer Intro to Business because i probably will major in that area and there isn’t class on Wednesdays…thanks :)</p>
<p>As long as the class is transferable to a UC, it shouldn’t matter which class you take.</p>
<p>P.S. Most all classes at California community colleges that transfer are numbered between 01 and 99 (for example, Econ 1A or Philosophy 38 would probably transfer, but Electronics 137 or Home Economics 238 probably would not).</p>
<p>Check assist.org if you haven’t already. It shows many of the transferrable courses by major and by basic education, etc. Make sure the course will count towards something, otherwise you’ll just be wasting money, which always stinks. </p>
<p>I found that in order for my CC classes to be transferrable, they had to be upper division level at the CC, or in other words, a 100+ class.</p>