Taking a foreign language for fun?

<p>I'm a chem major, but I want to continue taking my foreign language (Japanese) for fun/interest. I think that if I try to double major I won't be able to graduate on time, plus I am more interested in taking just the language courses without being forced to take asian history or polisci courses. Is it okay to pursue a foreign language purely for interest though?</p>

<p>wow another chem major. Depending on what college you are going to, it might be part of your GE, unless of course you already passed the AP test, and plan on using that as ur redundant 3 courses for GE. I know Muir requires one sequence (a year) for GE, and they do have Japanese. I'll be taking Japanese as a chem major at Muir if I decide do go: I also got into UCLA and still trying to decide.</p>

<p>I'm taking jap as a biochem major. the only problem is if you have a lot of units from APs and CC then the counselors discourage you from taking "random" classes because of a unit cap (200 units?). you should be fine. you might consider minoring in it.</p>

<p>Yeah, it's fine.</p>

<p>whitewonder. you're not going, go away you slut</p>