I’ve taken the ACT four times now. The first time, I made a 25, the second, a 27, and the third, a 29. The fourth time i made a 29 again, improving on every subject except one (which is, ironically, usually my best subject). I’ve heard a lot about how after three tests the chances of improving your score is slim. However, this is the first time I will actually devote my time to studying considering all the previous rises in my score were just from experience. Not getting a better score isn’t really an option. Any types on how to get past this plateau? I really need to improve my score by quite a bit. Thanks.
Take the SAT, because I suspect you will have a very difficult time raising your score. If you are tying to raise it for very selective schools, bear in mind some might require all test scores. Five tests isn’t going to impress them.
I’m assuming you won’t be applying to schools that require all test scores be sent, because I was told by a professional test prep company (Compass), that came to our local high school, when you get past 3 times taking the same test, universities will “frown upon” (can’t remember the exact words) that applicant.
Surely wish I’d known this before… my dad made me take it that many times. I mentioned something about how it might look bad, but since I kept going up by two points I thought I’d be fine. Now with a score of 29 I feel like a complete idiot.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You can choose to send your best score to a great many schools. For instance, I believe Stanford wants all your scores. And a 25, 27 and 29 are no where close to being “an idiot.”
We were told the majority of students take the SAT/ACT 2 or 3 times. As you can see your 2nd score of 29 appears to show you’re peaking. If you’re going to apply to a bunch of universities that require all scores be sent, then I’d stop. IMHO, 5 times is too many. I’d be working hard on all the other aspects of your college application like EC’s, work experience, sports, grades, etc.
The question is what did you do before the next attempt? It looks like you are using a real test as practice. You should treat each attempt as your last one and prepare thoroughly before taking the test. If you have done enough practice tests and reached a plateau, you are ready for the final test. Otherwise, it is just a waste of time and money.
You mentioned you went down a couple of points in one section on your last test. This is very common. You may well do the same again on another test.
You can have the low scores deleted as well - for the ACT.
However, this is the first time I will actually devote my time to studying<<<<<
The trouble is, you have taken the test 4 times, and only now you have a come to jesus moment? Not after the first, second, third time? This is all on you. A kid who can get 29 with no study and no prep should easily score well over 30 with practise and prep. The way to get a better score is to work at it, as you haven’t bothered before, it is likely that is how it will happen again. As you homeschool, self motivated studying should be your niche. The resources are out there,
I kept going up points without study so I wanted to see how far I could get focusing on schoolwork as opposed to just ACT. Now that it’s summer I can get serious. My dad and I were treating the tests as practice tests (my mistake) but is there any hope now? Like if I study?
Take it again after studying. Delete your lowest scores (ACT will send you a form that you have to physically sign and mail back). Good luck!
OP, as a few posters above correctly indicated, you can permanently delete any National Test Date scores. So don’t worry that you already took the ACT four times.
A college can’t “frown upon” you for taking the ACT 4-5 times if the scores no longer exist for that college to see.