Taking AP exams after IB classes.

<p>I am currently a high school student in 11th grade, and enrolled in the IB diploma. I am taking IB History of the Americas HL, IB English HL, and IB Biology HL. I was wondering if it would make sense to take the AP exams (APUSH, AP Lit, AP Bio) for these respective courses after junior year to obtain the college credit from AP. It would probably require some self-studying but I was wondering how different the courses are from each other, and how much extra information would I have to learn. Thank you for your time and help, in advance!</p>

<p>It really depends on the class. Personally, I don’t know about these courses. I took IB SL Math and Chemistry and got 5s on both the AP chem and Calc AB tests. I didn’t really do any self-study for either. (I first opened up the AP calc prep book from my teacher the weekend before the test and the first thing it said was “Don’t start studying the weekend before the test.” Oops?)
I would talk to your teachers and see if they have recommendations or know how well the material overlaps with the AP tests. At my school they knew which ones were best suited for this kind of test-swapping and what the differences were.</p>

<p>Check with your IB Coordinator and your AP Coordinator - they can confirm how the classes are taught in your school. My son was a full IB diploma student and in addition to the IB exams was advised to also take (and made a 4 or 5 on the exams) APUSH and AP Literature having only had the IB curriculum. He was advised NOT to take the AP Biology exam after taking IB Biology SL …IB Biology HL would probably be fine to take the AP exam but again check with your school coordinators.</p>