Taking Beginning/Prep Science Classes During the Summer

Hello, I am wanting to take a science class over the summer, both are required for my degree program. I am not sure which one I should take although if I was to take the chem class over the summer, it would put me ahead.

First is CHEM 103-

Serves as a preparation for CHEM 121. Introduces general principles and terminology in chemistry to students with poor chemistry backgrounds. Exercises aimed at developing problem solving skills. Students should have taken or have concurrent enrollment in MATH 126 or higher to prepare for General Chemistry I.

Second is GEOG 104-

Physical geography examines the spatial relationships between humans and the environment. A comprehensive and integrating science, physical geography allows the integration of earth systems such as weather, land formations, and earth patterns. Continuous integration of maps atlases, internet and geographic information system technology.

Both are 8 week courses. CHEM is in class twice a week for 2 hours and 50 minutes. GEOG is an online course with classes having very respected teachers. I am not the greatest at chem, just didn’t pay attention to it in high school, but am good at math. Any suggestions on which to take? Thanks.

Are you a college student now or are you starting in fall? If you are a rising 1st year, be very careful with summer classes. They come at you very quickly. I always preferred something that was not foundational to my area of study.

I am a junior in college, just never had taken a summer course yet.

8 weeks is about half a normal semester, so these courses would go twice as fast as they would in a normal semester. But you presumably will be taking about half as many courses or credits in the summer compared to a normal semester.

If you are a junior, are these courses (or courses that they are prerequisites for) required for your major or general education?

Yes both are, but if I was just to take them during the regular semester, with being a junior I might be at 2 1/2 years til graduating, which wound’t be terrible, but I would be able to take the classes at a more even pace and would learn more about them better.

Talk to your adviser…as a junior, why would you be taking a pre-chemistry class? Would this meet any of your science requirements?

Do you need these as pre-reqs for any other classes or just to fulfill a science requirement?

Probably due to score on the chemistry placement exam:
