<p>So yeah I have no other option but to take these two courses together because I fell behind in math because of a professor who decided to fail 30/32 people in the course. I am a sophomore AerspE major and I need to have diff eq under my belt before the beginning of my Jr. year. I could take it over the summer but that would require getting housing for the summer and paying tuition for a 3 credit course. My parents are already having trouble paying tuition/housing as it is. Calc 3 is a 4-credit course and diff eq is 3-credit for my major.</p>
<p>My schedule for next semester:
Calc-3 (4) easier prof. will be hard but i think i can get through
Diff eq. (3) ??
E mech 212 (3) taking a similar course this semester, not too bad
E mech 213 (3) challenging but do-able I assume
Cmpsc 201 (3) shouldn't be too much of a hassle
and probably a 2 or 3 credit course with one of my profs for a project we have been working on - requires about 2-6 hrs commitment per week</p>
<p>Calc 3 and diff. eq aren’t bad, taking them together shouldn’t be too hard. I did and it was fine. It was nothing compared to later semesters with 4 or 5 engineering classes.</p>
<p>I would say you are more hurt by the sheer number of hours rather than the two math courses. If Calc 3 is the same as it was here at UIUC (multivariable), then there is very little overlap between it and Diff Eq and it will be fairly easy compared to Calc 2 (at least in my opinion). Certainly doable, though not really the best option.</p>
<p>The bigger problem is the 18 to 19 hours. I took 18 several times, and while I was always crunched for time and stressed out, it probably brought what would have been an A average for those semesters to an A- at the VERY most, maybe not even that drastic. However, one semester I was really quite dumb and took 20 hours. Big mistake. I was fine with all the homework and got everything done on time and was making good grades until midterms rolled around. It is not something you really think about until it happens, but when midterms rolled around and I had to balance all the homework I normally had with the studying, it basically destroyed me. I didn’t have enough time to finish both homework and studying, so I had to cut both short, and I suffered in the meantime. I ended up having to do some course dropping and got a W on my transcript. I learned my lesson. I would just give you the advice that you should really think through taking that many hours before you do it. It can make things very difficult.</p>
<p>Well, without the space project, I’m only taking 16 credits. The space project is a thing that some weeks we meet for an hour and just talk about where we are and stuff and other weeks we will sit down and talk for 2-3 hours and work on it on our free time. The prof. is very understanding about midterms and finals, so we don’t even have meetings during those weeks.</p>
<p>Well that is helpful. And that project will look good on a resume/grad school app. Just make sure you don’t overextend yourself. If you feel like you are, then you probably are, and might think about dropping a class if it is before the drop deadline. Otherwise, just stick with it. Certainly doable, though I don’t know what your two E mech classes are.</p>