Taking Chem 1C at a CCC over the summer

<p>I started off in Chem 1P this year since I felt uneasy about my knowledge of chemistry, which means I would take 1A winter and 1B spring. I will probably end up talking to a counselor next quarter to discuss how to accomplish this, but I'd like to satisfy my curiosity now and ask: Is it possible to take 1C (or its equivalent) at a community college next summer? I have El Camino College in mind specifically if anyone knows anything about that. </p>

<p>I will also be taking precalculus that summer since it will have been a whole year since I have done any math (AP Calculus, senior year). I would like to try and avoid having to commute all the way to Irvine for the summer so I can accomplish other things, but I guess if it's not possible, it's not possible.</p>

<p>most JCs are are on the quarter system. meaning the chem 1 sequence at UCI (1a-b-c) is equal to chem 1 at your JC (Chem 1a-b for example, i duno the numbering at your JC).
this normally means its hard to do sequence classes at both a semester and quarter school.
to make it easy, if you took chem 1a-b at UCI, you would need to take chem 1b at your JC. the first half of the course should be the some of the same things you learned in chem 1b, so it should boost your grade. although im not sure if they will allow you to do.</p>

<p>about the precalc: im assuming you are a freshmen. if so, just take the level of calculus you took in high school (AB exam=2a, BC exam=2b). unless you are pre med or something were AP credits wont count, in which case take 2a. im assuming you did fairly well in the AP class. going into precalc wont do much for you (or it shouldnt) cause you should be able to do that stuff in your sleep; again, assuming you did well in AP calc.</p>

<p>It’ll probably be best to speak to your counselor but also check assist.org to see if those classes can transfer from community college to UCI.</p>

<p>You can’t take Community college classes to fulfill requirements for classes that are part of the core classes for your major. For example, I am a Chem major and I can’t take classes like Chem 1A-1B-1C and other math classes because they are part of the core classes for my major, but I can take History classes to fulfill my general GE requirements. One last thing you can take a test to bypass pre-calculus and go directly to Math 2A.</p>