I want to know if it’s possible to take classes at Columbia Engineering when enrolled at Columbia College or vice versa.
Would it be possible to take enough as to get a degree from the other school? What about all of the other schools at Columbia?
I’m sorry if this information is already everywhere, but I haven’t been able to find it…
I’m not sure about the degree part but for courses, any Columbia student can take any classes.
I know a SEAS student who done all the “Core” of CC and more.
I know CC students who took more math and science than a typical SEAS student would ever take.
Na. SEAS and CC is just a differentiation for the diploma after the 4 years. Courses. Everything including Barnard courses are available 
As of internal transfer between SEAS and CC, quite frankly, I don’t think it’s difficult at all. Maybe in the past there were some issues but right now, I don’t see my friends having problems.