Taking classes/credits in Petroleum Engineering

<p>I am going to study in TAMU from Spring, 2014 as a freshman. I have some difficulties with choosing classes. </p>

<p>I would like to take Engineering Math I (Math 151), Foundation in Engr. I (Engr 111), Mechanics (Phys 218), HIST 105, POLS 206 and KINE 198. </p>

<p>In total, there are 6 classes - 17 credits. But I think that it can be very difficult for me.
There are only 3 classes (Math, Engineering and Physics) which are technical. The rest of them are not connected especially to engineering ones. I understand that there are a lot for reading in POLS and HIST but in my opinion there are much easier than technical ones. </p>

<p>Is it manageable to take all of 6 classes because some of them are just "read-memorize" classes?
Or do I have to drop 1 of them and take only 5 ?</p>

<p>The amount of reading in HIST 105 and POLS 206 heavily depends on the professor. Get good professors for these courses, and you’re golden.</p>

<p>For HIST 105, if he’s teaching next semester, I suggest you try and get Lenihan. I had him this semester; 3 tests, 2 essays, 2 books. The tests and essays were very easy in my opinion; my lowest grade (including essays) in that class was a 95.</p>

<p>For POLS 206, I took Ted Brown in Fall 2012. No outside reading for him besides the textbook. 3 tests and a couple of quizzes. Made an A.</p>

<p>I also suggest you use myedu.com to take a look at the other professors.</p>

<p>Thank you for reply! This is very useful information for me!
Do you think that it is possible to take 3 engineering related classes and 3 such as Pols, Hist and Kine and manage to prepare all homework, pass successfully all tests? I am definitely planning to take 16 credit hours / 5 classes (math, phys, engr, hist and pols) but no sure about Kine 198 class.
Is Kine difficult to study even if it is 1 credit? In other way I can take it too and in sum I will study 17 credit hours. </p>

<p>What do think about it?</p>

<p>Yeah I did 16 credit hours similar to yours in Spring 2013 (except I had CHEM instead of PHYS). Completely doable if you know how to manage your time. </p>

<p>KINE 198 I’m not sure about since I’ll also be taking it this semester (along with KINE 199), but I hear it’s really easy so it shouldn’t be a problem.</p>