I am a sophomore at a large public university currently have a very low BCPM GPA (3.81) and am very disappointed with it. All my other friends have 3.9+ GPAs. What I’m really mad about is how one class (upper level microbiology), was responsible for dropping me from a 3.91 to a 3.81 cause I bombed the last exam (I was doing fine the first three exams).
I was wondering what are your thoughts on taking 3 1000 level chemistry classes, 3 1000 level bio courses, and 3 1000 level physics classes (these are classes reserved for people without background in science and freshman who don’t intend to major in science). I also am planning to take easy animal science and this easy entomology class. I might also take college algebra, trig, precalc, etc. even though I should be at diff eq. with my math level. In total, this will be 40+ easy science credits that can lift me from a 3.8 to a 3.9+ if I get A’s in all of them and even buffer against some of the other science classes I have to take for my biochemistry major.
I only will have to take 7-9 credits a semester for my major so I was going to fill in the rest with these science classes.
The rigor of your coursework is considered by adcomms. Loading up on easy, non-science major classes every semester (which AMCAS will likely exclude from your sGPA calculation) may come back to bite you on the butt when you apply for medical school.
I’m pretty sure animal science classes won’t count for your BCPM. Also college algebra, pre calc, trig are not considered “college level” coursework so won’t be included in your BCPM.
There is a national database of course descriptions/college catalogs that AMCAS/AACOMAS uses to determine how to classify a given course. Med school admissions officers also have access to this database. They can see if a course is an online class or is a course offered for non-majors.