<p>So my situation is this: I have AP biology credit so I was exempt from taking my school's general biology course. All of the schools I am planning to apply does not have problem with me exempting my freshmen biology courses. However, I realize later down the line that even though I cannot make the grade count towards my university GPA, AMCAS would still accept the grade. The problem is that I am a third year and I have and will be taking many upper-division biology courses; it usually makes no sense to go back to lower-division courses when I am doing perfectly fine in upper-division courses. Would adcom view my actions negatively if I take my freshmen courses just to improve my science GPA?
On one hand, I would have a higher GPA. On the other hand, they obviously can tell that I am taking the less-challenge route to increase my GPA.</p>
<p>At many “premed factories”, it is not necessarily true that you could get an easy A in the introductory science class. The majority of the students in the class may have had an AP 5. What may be worse is that some overworked TAs may grade your test in such a way that if you do not use the exactly same words that are used in your textbook (just because you do not have the rare photographic memory skill that some may have - btw, this skill is very useful as a med school student), they may take away some random points to prove they actually do some work. It is not a very pleasant class to be in, period. (The class average of a midterm at DS’s school in one year was like 46 out of 100, and it was hardly an “easy A” class.)</p>
<p>Just take the upper-level biology class if you really have what it takes to be a medical school worthy student. With some luck, the best non-science majors who have scored perfect grades in all of their intro science classes may not be in your class to compete with you for those precious A’s in some of the upper-division classes as they do not have to take more science classes.</p>
<p>I would talk to your pre-med advisor because as you have mentioned, it kind of look rediculous. D. could not skip her first Bio, despite of 5 on AP. But it was very well known fact at her school. And her first Bio went thru AP material in first 2 weeks, then they moved on. It was considered to be weed out killer and, yes, many Honors kids did not survive on pre-med track after this class.
This experience does not apply to you, though. You are already taking upper Bio classes. D. has menitoned that upper classes would not be possible to take successfully (having A) if she did not take the first Bio. Apperently not so in your case.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply. And yes the fact that lower div courses tend to be weeder classes crossed my mind. I asked my classmates to also get their opinion on this. I think it would be a good idea to ask my school counselor</p>