Taking General Ed classes outside of the US?

<p>I'm currently a senior in high school, and I am debating whether or not I should take my General Ed classes at the American University in Bulgaria, which is a university in Bulgaria that runs with the American curriculum. I'm 100% Bulgarian but I was born and have lived in America my whole entire life, away from all my family and cousins in Bulgaria. I was thinking of taking my General Ed classes at this university in Bulgaria for 2 years to experience what it would feel like to live close to family since I never had the opportunity, and then transfer back to a university in America to take my classes for my major. The problem is, the education isn't the best at the American University in Bulgaria, and credit transfers to the universities here in America are gonna be a pain. Should I just go to college here or go to Bulgaria and transfer back? How important are General Ed classes in college?</p>


I’m currently a sophomore in AUBG (American University in Bulgaria). I must say choosing AUBG would make the best out of you.

I mean, the professors here are amazing, They care lots about students, and they’re really good. Well, honestly, some are pretty boring, but most of them are super cool! About the diploma, it still works in the US

The town in which AUBG is located is a small but nice city, with tons of things to do.

About scholarships, well AUBG is very generous. If you don’t get a scholarship, well I mean the tuition is not too expensive thou. Quite affordable.

People are quite nice and friendly here. I have tons of friends, and we have awesome night life without drinking age. However, that doesnt mean they’re not serious about theii study, even wayyy too serious. Actually, there are many Americans here; they even form a community.

I think you’re gonna have the best time here.

Hi, I know I’m a bit late, but wanted to ask about AUBG and a current student seems like a good bet! :slight_smile:
Firstly, could you tell me a bit about Panitza Library? Is it on the campus, or near it? Is the selection good? (A good library is a very important aspect of a prospective college for me, haha.)

Oh, @dontcare95 , I should have “atted” you. Sorry :slight_smile: