Taking it More Than Once

<p>I was wondering hypothetically (i know this will probably not happen but just imagine) someone gets a 2160(ish) on their first SAT ever. He then retakes and gets a 2400. Will colleges (HYPSM, or even less selective colleges) judge this person based solely on the 2160 and not even consider the 2400? If not, how much weight will they put on the 2160 and how much on the 2400?</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>Why wouldn't they consider the 2400?
The SAT is basically meant to be taken multiple times, so no the 2160 won't hurt you. They just look at the top score you received out of all the times you've taken it.</p>

<p>Well I was wondering if colleges would focus mainly on your original score. I was assuming that they would view a score you recieved later as a prepped-out, inflated score.</p>

<p>Im still wondering how much weight they will give to each test.</p>

<p>Most colleges will only consider your highest score in each section. Many (most?) students take the SAT I multiple times and the increased score, if anything, is an indication of your ability to study and improve. From what I've heard, AdCom's at many schools won't even see your lower score - all your academic information is condensed and filtered by a secretary or students working into the office into a more managable format, and most likely, only the highest SAT score (either highest composite or single sitting, depending on college policy) is passed on to the AdCom's</p>