<p>i know that only a few colleges / not all colleges accept january test scores, but if i didn't tell them on the application that i was "planning" to take the SAT in january, and i take it in january, will the scores even be looked at? will I need to contact them in order to draw attention to it (or should i not do that)? I have previous testing from january of last year but I want to improve my score. thanks for your help</p>
<p>can anybody help me? thanks …</p>
<p>Even if you didn’t mention it on the application, it will depend on the college whether or not they will consider the scores. Go on their websites, and look at the admissions home page. Usually they will give dates of the absolute last time you are allowed to take standardized tests and have them still be considered as part of your application.</p>
<p>yeah, i’ve read on the college’s website, but i was wondering if there was a disparity between what they say and what actually happens. i’m afraid they will get to my file before my january scores get in.</p>
<p>I’m interested in the answer to the question of whether it is a good idea to contact the colleges directly to tell them that scores are coming. I am taking SAT IIs in January, but on all of my applications, rather than putting “future test dates” I put my scores from past examinations (the scores that I hope to beat) just to ensure that I would have some scores on the app. </p>
<p>SO… does anyone know whether colleges look at the app first and then confirm those scores already on the app or if they automatically place all scores thru jan test date into the system prior to looking at apps?</p>
<p>I would like to know this as well. Thanks</p>
<p>it wouldn’t hurt to write to admissions.</p>