<p>I'm currently a freshman in a high level Latin class. I get straight A's in the class and the plan was always for me to take Ancient Greek and go down the classical languages route because its extremely desirable to colleges. However, I'm having seconds thoughts about Greek and am no longer excited to take it. I feel like if I took the course I would be extremely bored and not enjoy myself. I've always wanted to take Japanese and course registration for next year is coming up. My school offers a semester abroad to Japan junior year and I would love to be able to go when the time comes. Japanese is something I'd loved to take. Does taking Japanese set college applicants apart or should I just take Greek? I need to be able to convince my parents and soon :(</p>
<p>If I was in your place, I would immediately hop on Japanese. I’m really jealous you have Japanese at your school.</p>
<p>Thanks there are a lot if places for you to take it online if you want to and don’t have it at your school</p>
<p>It won’t be useful, Japan is nearly 100% ethnic Japanese because they really are racists, as far as citizenship goes. You would only use it on your one trip to Japan. </p>
<p>Seems like unnecessary struggle in a tough language for minimal gains.</p>
<p>Take Japanese. </p>
<p>@DHCP6768UDP haha that is so true lol</p>
<p>That being said, take Japanese if you’re interested, but I doubt you’ll become fluent. I started Japanese in 6th grade, and I am Japanese, but tbh I don’t think I could become fluent unless I take lessons during the week. I learn it quickly, but I don’t get enough exposure to where I can use it in anything above basic/MAYBE intermediate conversations</p>
<p>Exactly my point, I am only in my second semester of Spanish in high school and could hold a conversation (as long as it is school focused).</p>
<p>I would take it, I’m jealous.</p>
<p>Yeah I think I’m going to take Japanese. My parents are starting to be ok with it. I’m really excited!</p>