taking multiple (4+) ACT tests "ridiculous"??

<p>My top schools I'm applying to this fall are USC, UCLA, and UT-Austin. I've taken 4 ACT's, getting two same scores twice (two 30's and two 32's), all with different subscores obviously. I said this on a different post, and I got two replies saying that to retake the ACT again to raise my score would be viewed as "ridiculous" by colleges. I had thought that getting a higher score would only increase my chances of getting in, as I don't think a 32 is quite to these schools' standards, but I guess I don't know much about the process as a whole.
So, my question is, do colleges (specifically these 3) think it is "ridiculous" to take 4+ tests, even if I do keep raising my score? Am I required to send them all? Because if not, I don't see what the problem is- couldn't I only send my highest score? Or is this all not correct?
Any help is very much appreciated!</p>

<p>People say not to take the ACT too many times because it makes you appear score obsessed. Additionally, if you’ve already taken it four times and gotten roughly the same scores, it’s unlikely it will rise significantly unless you plan to study much more intensely than you did for the first four tests, and even then there’s no guarantee of improvement. </p>

<p>Are you confident that you will score higher than 32?</p>

<p>If so, take it again. You have nothing to lose save the testing fee and time. If you pull a 35 on the fifth try and get rejected, you were almost certainly going to get rejected anyway. </p>

<p>The types of schools that look down their noses at over-testers don’t likely make a strong distinction between four and five tests. </p>

<p>Ur an idiot… no offense, a 32 is good enough for all schools, especially UCLA, realize that a 32 is around a 2200, so yes, it is good.</p>

<p>@manas1997 You’re pretty wrong about that. A 32 is approximately a 2120 or so. A 33 is around a 2180, a 34 is around a 2250-2280, and a 35 is around mid 2300’s. A 32 is a good score, however it’s not some amazing score that will set you apart from every other applicant.</p>

<p>Unless you think you’re going to get a 34+ next time, don’t bother taking it. A 32 and 33 are pretty close and unless you got a “low” 32 (31.5 rounded up), there’s really nothing that taking it again would achieve for you.</p>

<p>@micmatt513 , yes ur right, soz looked at wrong table. Nevertheless, her score is in the 98th percentile. I don’t think getting 2 extra points helps much, unless OP is going into STEM and maybe science or math was low. Especially for those schools, its on their high end.</p>

<p>I would also suggest not to retake ACT. First, most schools do not superscore ACT and you need to pay for each score report if the school does superscore. Second, your scores from the past 4 attempts are very similar suggesting you have reached a plateau. Third, 32 is a good score already. Last, you are already in the application process that you should spend time on essays and other things.</p>