<p>My S has just started 8th grade, and I'm trying to decide what to do about a continuing issue with note-taking. He prefers to just listen to the teacher in class, rather than taking notes. He finds that trying to write down what the teacher is saying interferes with his ability to absorb the information. In some cases, the "notes" are projected on a whiteboard and the kids are supposed to copy them down verbatim. My S has tried writing down only the major headings, but the teachers catch him and insist that he write down everything. </p>
<p>I'm not sure what to do about this. On one hand, note-taking is an important skill that he may need in the future. One the other hand, my S may just learn differently than other kids. He is extremely bright, and always gets 100%, or close to it, on tests. We're in a good public school district, but the work in almost all classes is below his level of ability. He is applying to several highly competitive independent HS for next year. </p>
<p>It seems that if the "notes" are prepared by the teacher, then it would make more sense for them to be handed out rather than having the kids copy them. But in some cases, the kids are expected to take their own notes, and maybe this is the time my S should be learning to do this. He probably won't always be able to rely on his ability to absorb and retain the information without them. If he gets into an independent HS, he may be in trouble without this skill.</p>
<p>The teachers all say that my S listens intently in class, and is oblivious to anything else going on. He participates enthusiastically in discussions. But they all feel that the kids have to be writing all the time, not just listening.</p>