<p>So I am currently a rising sophomore at a state university and recently got in transfer to another school. I plan on transferring but I am worried about a couple of things. First off, I am currently enrolled in Organic Chemistry I for the summer and should be finished by next week. I have registered for the Organic II for the second summer session as well but I plan on withdrawing and getting refund before the class starts because after going through Orgo I, I don't think that I am cut out for the pace. However, if I were to do this, I would not be able to take Orgo II at my new school until the spring, as they do not offer it off season. Is this a good idea? </p>
<p>I have good grasp on the course now and have been doing well but I am nervous because it is a summer course and we do skip over a lot of information. Plus, I am scared that I will forgot half the material before the spring and then I will start the semester off horribly. I have not been able to make my schedule with the new school yet as I have not withdrawn from my current school, but when I do, I am going to try to see if they can enroll me in Orgo I lab, just so I can keep it fresh in my mind throughout the fall. Do you think that will be enough? Or, should I instead try to take it over the next summer session. If any of you have had experience with this let me know! </p>