taking physics and calc 2 @ the same time?

<p>next semester i plan on taking physics 201(general physics) and mth 201(calc 2).
the prereqs for the physics course is mth 201 or concurrent enrollment.
my main concern is: how much material from calc 2 will be covered in physics?</p>

<p>dont stress over it, if they listed it as a co-req you will be fine. Otherwise they would have listed calc II as a pre-req.</p>

<p>I did the same. No problems. Trust the course catalog.</p>

<p>I did the same too.</p>

<p>I also took Calc 2 along with Physics of Mechanics and it was fine The only integration you’ll need for physics is stuff you’ll learn in the first few weeks of Calc 2.</p>

<p>You don’t really use Calc 2 material until you get to E&M.</p>

<p>Not a lot.
And they are easy courses.</p>

<p>I took Calc 1 with Mechanics first semester, Calc 2 second semester, and E&M over the summer.</p>