Taking political science 40?

<p>I had thought about changing to political science (major) and thought about taking a class to see how I liked it. The only pre req poli sci class available at this time was Poli Sci 40, so I enrolled in it. Um, the pre reqs are Poli Sci 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50, but they're not in a sequence are they? For example, you cannot take LS 4 without LS 3, or Chem 14B without Chem14A. So I don't need to know material from Poli Sci 10, 20, and 30 to be able to do well in Poli Sci 40 right?</p>

<p>nope 10char</p>

<p>What do you mean 10char? So taking Poli Sci 40 is okay then? Even though I have no background information on anything related to political science?</p>

<p>10 char is just… because you can’t post anything less than 10 characters.</p>

<p>just because courses are numbered in sequence doesn’t mean you should take them IN that sequence. unless one is specifically listed as a pre-req for another.</p>

<p>i took poli sci 40 for about 2 weeks… it was a rehash of AP Gov stuff. and you really do not need any other knowledge. all the courses you take will end up in one body of knowledge, but the order of the pieces don’t matter. it’s not, as you say, like the LS series.</p>