Taking UGBA and Econ 1 at the same time

<p>is it wise to take UGBA 10 and Econ 1 during the same semester? it might not be, but i'd like to know if it is possible to do well in both classes at the same time and still enjoy oneself. the reason why this idea has come up for me is because i want to avoid taking math 16A with professor woodin and perhaps take math 16A during the summer or fall semester of next year.</p>


<p>I intend to do the same; I thought they're both fairly easy classes?</p>

<p>I think its possible as long as you leave time to do them though. However, I would think about maybe trying to take UGBA with Math during the Fall and have Econ by itself during the Spring. More likely than not, Econ 1 is harder for students than Math 16A. If you're the same, you should take UGBA in the Fall. If you're good at Econ, then take UGBA in the Spring.</p>

<p>20LEGEND, what gives you that idea?</p>

<p>Just what a friend of mine told me; but then again, she pulls 4.0s every semester. :|
But they are intro classes, right?</p>

<p>Easy? Not really. Nutri Sci 10 (Amy's) or PFFP is easy. In these classes, you can maybe read the book twice and score an A. UGBA10 and Econ 1? No. They're not hard like O-Chem, but they require you to do some work. UGBA10 material is easy; it's just that scoring near-perfects on every test/paper is a must in order to compete in the class. The curve kills in UGBA10. As for Econ 1, the way the tests are made make the class hard. Plus, the curve is horrible, but less brutal than UGBA10. The material for Econ 1 is not too difficult, but the way midterms and the final are created and graded make it hard.</p>

I intend to do the same; I thought they're both fairly easy classes?


<p>Which is precisely why they are difficult! Curve/Rankings will crush anyone who lets their guard down for a second.</p>