<p>i made a thread earlier about taking ugba and econ at the same time. instead of that, how about taking statistics and ugba instead? i am considering this because i will not take math 16a until either summer 2009 or fall semester 2009, and it might be wise to keep my math abilities going if i don't continue after math 32.</p>
<p>Assuming that you were aiming to go for Haas, it is always possible to take two of the prerequisites at once as long as you set the time to do both. If these were the 2 very important classes of the semester, then I could definitely see success out of this. UGBA, as competitive as a class it is, is not as time strenuous as my opinion as Econ (that is depending on your preference and skill level in the subjects).</p>
<p>But seeing how you said you want to take stats next semester because you want to continue using your math abilities, do know that the math used in each course is different. Nevertheless, go for taking both at the same time and expect to focus your time on these courses so that you’ll do well on them.</p>
<p>thank you for that response. i took a statistics course in high school, but does anyone know whether the math in statistics 21 uses calculus?</p>
<p>Unfortunately I do not know what math level stats 21 takes, but having taken a course in high school should definitely help.</p>
<p>BTW: I’m also taking stats 21 next spring. Are you taking the MWF afternoon class or the TuTh morning class?</p>
<p>Yea, you need to know calculus for Stats 21. </p>
<p>From the general catalog: “Prerequisites: One semester of calculus.”</p>
<p>Don’t forget that Stats 20 is okay to take for Haas. Really pick which Stats you’re going to take by teacher, because you wouldn’t want to end up with infamously tough ones like Purves.</p>
<p>Yeah sparetire, thanks for adding the Stats 20 note for anyone who didn’t know. Since I needed to take either stats 20 or 21 this semester, I researched as much as I could for the best professor and in my opinion picked the best one in Bhatnagar. From what I know, there’s not a big difference between 20 & 21, so do go for the best teacher.</p>
<p>i guess one semester of calculus is required. sigh…but is the class itself really that calculus based? I’m asking that to anyone who has taken stats 21 in the past.</p>