<p>I'm currently a junior, and by the end of my second semester, I'll have completed all available core curricula at my school, except for AP English. My school offers all the core AP Sciences, sans Electromagnetism, as well as BC Calc + Stats. </p>
<p>So my goal for my senior year is to take AP English at my school, and take around 12 credits worth of courses each semester at the local university, which lucky for me, is the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. I'll be taking 2 math and 2 physics classes per semester. I'll still technically be a high school student.</p>
<p>Are there any kinks in my plan? Would doing this in anyway hurt my application to MIT, or for that matter any school? And on the other hand, does this help me significantly? </p>
<p>I would say the UIUC is a rigorous school; is there any possibility that I'll be able to get credits at MIT if I transfer credits from the UIUC? If not, I realize I can take the ASEs, but it sure would be nice to get my money's worth.</p>
<p>As long as you are technically a high school student - not enrolled as a degree-seeking college student - there should be no problem applying as a freshman for MIT. You would have to check other schools individually, though. I can’t imagine other schools having a problem with this, but I’m wary of saying “all”.</p>
<p>Certainly, taking a harder curriculum will be beneficial on your MIT application. You might be able to get transfer credit - you would have to contact MIT department transfer credit officers individually to find out.</p>
<p>Thanks Piper. I’m worried if some schools may not take too kindly to this, though I am aware of many high schoolers who have taken similar action with regards to enriching their curricula. </p>
<p>I’ve been homeschooled most of my life, and have taken community college courses full-time from my freshman year in high school to use as a high school education. My brother had the same situation as me and had no issues applying to any schools, and was accepted to Columbia, Duke, Pomona, and some other excellent colleges.</p>