Talk About Yourself

<p>This was started in the Brown board and has subsequently been hijacked by a bunch of others, and I thought it was sort of interesting. It's also a really good way to waste time when I should be writing a paper about The Canterbury Tales.</p>

<p>So, fill it out?</p>

Favorite TV show:
Favorite book:
Favorite movie:
Favorite school subject(s):
Favorite food:
Favorite drink:
Favorite music:

<p>As for me...</p>

<p>Name: Meredith</p>

<p>Location: North Dakota...unfortunately.</p>

<p>Favorite TV show: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Futurama, The OC</p>

<p>Favorite book: One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Misanthrope, A la recherche du temps perdus</p>

<p>Favorite movie: A Clockwork Orange, 2001, The Royal Tenenbaums</p>

<p>Favorite school subject(s): French and English</p>

<p>Favorite food: various Thai foods, rosemary and olive oil Triscuits, I have a thing for blue raspberry Laffy Taffy lately</p>

<p>Favorite drink: Coffee! Diet Dr. Pepper, the new Fresca.</p>

<p>Favorite music: Bright Eyes, The Beatles, The Mountain Goats, Ted Leo/Pharmacists, David Bowie, Radiohead, Joy Division, etc.</p>

<p>Hobbies: reading, taking naps, Wikipedia, playing Super Nintendo, drinking coffee</p>

<p>Major?: linguistics/philosophy with a minor in French or CS</p>


<p>Location: Roshester, NY...yay for me!</p>

<p>Favorite TV show: The AMAZING Race cuz its amazing, Conan O'Brien cuz he's the man, The Office cuz it like...funny...and The Sopranos cuz they're just awsome</p>

<p>Favorite book: Dante's Inferno, Phantoms in the Brain, and my chem book..cuz im a geek...</p>

<p>Favorite movie: The Sting, The Godfather, Seven</p>

<p>Favorite school subject(s): chem, bio, psych, humanities </p>

<p>Favorite food: Chicken parm (eggplant's good too), my mom's own made up recipes...she went to a culinary her stuff's like irresistably good</p>

<p>Favorite drink: i'll have to say coffee...this stuff powers my life</p>

<p>Favorite music: i like a bit of everything...metallica, disturbed, greenday, u2, lots of classical music, some techno when i'm in the mood</p>

<p>Hobbies: les see...i love art, i draw alot (mostly doodling) lately, i absolutely cannot live without my "bejeweled" has addictive powers, i like playing soccer or 4-square with my thru whole nights during the summer, i hate aim...i'd rather talk on the phone, i like to read till dawn, i enjoy sleeping on the's the best...</p>

<p>Major?: right now i'm like thinking philosophy/psychology/brain & cognitive sciences/chem/neuroscience....still working on the narrowing down part</p>

<p>Hey ....</p>


<p>Location: NJ!! Whohoo</p>

<p>Favorite TV show:Futurama, family guy, Conan o brien.. a couple others</p>

<p>Favorite book:On Call, Bachelor of the Arts and... meh i dunno</p>

<p>Favorite movie:Minorty Report was cool, War of the Worlds was decent</p>

<p>Favorite school subject(s): Bio, Latin, Anatomy</p>

<p>Favorite food:chinese, eggplant parm is madd good, and i am indian so i guess i guess indian food lol</p>

<p>Favorite drink:cherry coke, dr.pepper, coffee, frappucinos</p>

<p>Favorite music:i basically listen to anything if it sounds good i try to rememeber if not just totally ignore it. COldplay is pretty good, a bit of rap, greenday etc.</p>

<p>Hobbies:hmm... i play a lot of sports bball, tennis, ping pong although i suck at that, i am totally into cricket! and... i like to hang out wit friends of course, watch tv, xbox/ps2, and sleeping</p>

<p>Major?: Definietly Bio, maybe a minor in something totally unrelated to science and... going pre med whohoo! lol </p>


<p>I'm in Latin too, but I like it a lot less this year than I did in previous years. Are you planning to take any classics/Latin courses at UR?</p>

<p>hysteron proteron: did you read the whole A la recherche du temps perdus? Congradulation!</p>

<p>One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of my favourites too, but I probably have hundreds of them... ^_^</p>

<p>Name: Sasha (No, I'm not a girl)</p>

<p>Location:Suburbs of Philly</p>

<p>Favorite TV show: Ha. As sad as it is, I haven't had a working TV in my house for about 2 years now.</p>

<p>Favorite book: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard.</p>

<p>Favorite movie: Err... I don't want to admit the meager number of movies I've watched.</p>

<p>Favorite school subject(s): CHEMISTRY, by far (i've taken three years already).</p>

<p>Favorite food: I wish I knew</p>

<p>Favorite drink: Tea? Or coffee, cause it keeps me awake.</p>

<p>Favorite music: I listen to Russian stuff mostly.</p>

<p>Hobbies:Tennis, Science Olympiad, and playing frizbee instead of studying for Science Olympiad. Oh, and Text Twist. Oh my god. That game... I need to stop. I should have stopped after I broke the 100 thousand point barrier.</p>

<p>Major?: CHEMISTRY, in case I haven't made that obvious.</p>

Location: New York!!!!!!!!
Favorite TV show: I luved America's Next Top Model and That 70's Show (althought both don't stimulate your brain much, lol)
Favorite book:Angels and Demons (so goooooooooooood) and The Great Gatsby was good
Favorite movie: anything indian
Favorite school subject(s):A.P Physics, Latin & Calc (cuz i'm good at it,hehe)
Favorite food:Italian (I can't get much more specific, i luv everything!)
Favorite drink:Strawberry Daiquiri

<p>hysteron proteron: Yea I was planning to take something on either Hinduism or Sanskrit. I know a good deal about both, and I might do a minor or just take these classes for fun.</p>

<p>Chrissy: haha yea indian movies, my parents rent the occasional movie and the only part i hate is the length of it! it goes on for sooo long lol its like enough already!</p>

<p>Name: Irene
Location:..hmm well live in France, but I do pretty much everything across the border in Geneva, Switerland
Nationality: dutch n peruvian
Favourite TV shows: ER n Gilmore Girls
Favorite book:Como Agua para chocolate - laura esquivel
Favorite movie: L'auberge espa</p>

<p>Name: Suman
Location: NJ, USA
Nationality: Indian
Favorite TV Shows: ER, Scrubs, Jeopardy
Book: Life of Pi
Movie: oh yeah! indians rock! indian movies
School Subject: calc lol
Food: Indian, Mexican, Italian, Thai, Chinese
Drink: Coca Cola
Hobbies: Seriously, I do waste time on the computer, tabla, reading (stuff that i like to read), traveling
Major: Same, pre-med track, major in chemistry though.</p>

<p>i just need to say... divonne... gilmore girls is THE best show ever. i'm glad it's represented overseas too :)</p>

<p>hysteron proteron, stephen colbert lives in my town and i might babysit for him!!! i'm also a huge fan of his show, and it's hard to believe that he doesn't think that i'm incredibly eager to babysit for him because i love children. hahaha. yeah. but i love famous people, and i especially love him.</p>

<p>njnjnjnjnjnj, where in nj do you live?</p>

<p>Name: Becca!</p>

<p>Location: New Jersey</p>

<p>Favorite TV show: American Idol, The OC (it's gotten horrible, though), Sex and the City!!!, Project Runway</p>

<p>Favorite book: Blink</p>

<p>Favorite movie: Love Actually, Confederate States of America, Catch me if you Can, Heights</p>

<p>Favorite school subject(s): English, History, Bio</p>

<p>Favorite food: Japanses. I went on a rant last night about how I'd die without it. Sushi, shrim tempura, miso soup, chicken tariaki...everything! All so good!!!! They have sushi at U of R, which is why I chose it. No, not really. I also love Chinese, artichokes, brisket and basically whatever you want to feed me. I like food. </p>

<p>Favorite drink: Coffee, chocolate shake, water, tea, BUBBLE TEA.</p>

<p>Favorite music: Everything. 80s Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Ben Folds, Beatles, Carole King, Kelly Clarkson (yes.), and Broadway!!</p>

<p>Hobbies: Writing, singing, dreaming up screenplays, singing a lot, hanging out with friends, going to thrift stores, drawing portraits, meeting new people, going on adventures, having fun while not relying on partying every weekend, exercising (yeah, i'm cool), tap dance (my friend and i take an adult beginner class and we're horrible), etc. </p>

<p>Major?: Maybe Psych or something similar. Maybe bio. I don't want to be a doctor because I have a weak stomach. I think I might end up being a continuity person in movies because I always notice when something is off, like a cut or a hand position or something.</p>

<p>I'm really excited about going to Rochester next year! If you want to talk to me, my AIM screen name is becsauce13.</p>

<p>I also really like Japanese food, but there isn't much of it where I live. I've never had bubble tea before, but I'm definitely going to try it when I get to Rochester.</p>

<p>Name: Irene
Location: Chicago, IL
Favorite TV show: Project Runway, Gilmore Girls
Favorite book: To The Lighthouse
Favorite movie: Big Fish, Million Dollar Baby
Favorite school subject(s): English, Biology
Favorite food: Steak, Chicken, anything sweet (esp. Jelly Bellies)
Favorite drink: Lemonade
Favorite music: Fleetwood Mac
Hobbies: Reading, Badminton, Writing
Major?: Comparative Literature, Molecular Genetics, possible minor in Russian/Russian Studies</p>

<p>Hey, Irene...we actaually have a lot in common. I love Project Runway (who do you think should have won?), Big Fish, English, Bio, Fleetwood Mac, Writing, Badmitton, etc. I didn't know people who liked writing went to Rochester...hahaha. Do you have AIM? Mine is becsauce13.</p>

<p>ooh tigerlilly gilmore ruuuules :-D</p>


<p>That's exciting. Are you going to Rochester for sure? My sn is the same as my CC name. Hope to chat w/ya sometime.</p>

<p>Ooops, I forgot to add my two cents about Project Runway...I think Chloe rightfully won, but I didn't expect her to have such a good collection. I expected Daniel to do a better job, and from what we saw on the 2nd to last episode, I expected Santino to win. However, I think Chloe had by far the most coherent collection that really spoke to who she was, so I think her win was well-deserved.</p>