Talk to me about UF-PACE program


My son was just admitted to the UF-PACE program, which is apparently a program where he is allowed to transition to living on campus once he completes 60 credits off-campus, mainly through UF Online. Is anyone familiar with this program? Is it a good program? How many people participate in it? How long has it been around? As some of you may recall, my son had good test scores, but not a lot of APs due to some special circumstances. We thought it was a longshot for him to be admitted, so I guess this is a compromise. Thoughts?


My daughter OOS also got into the PaCE program – I was thrilled with that vs. denied outright lol but I don’t think she’ll go for it unless she gets an apartment with similar students off campus – it sounds like it’s basically online for freshman year (60 credits) and then business as usual sophomore year on – you can pay an additional fee to access and participate in everything on campus just like all other students - -but coming from Boston I need her to be on campus for year one – she’s a good application 4.0 Weighted, 1290 SAT, 4 AP, good essay/extras but I think they don’t want to lose the bubble kids and that is pretty much what she is for UF.

my son was just accepted to UF PACE - very proud. He absolutely wants the campus life and full experience. I have read the UF PACE FAQs and some of the basic info. Any insight or additional info specific to PACE campus life, residence, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you.

know a few pace students. they love it. other than no dormitory housing, it’s not all that different from regular admits as they too take a lot of online classes. especially business school. if you have credits from high school you can be done in two semesters.

Hi - looks like this is a common post tonight., as my son also learned late this afternoon that he was admitted to the PaCE program for this fall. We knew he was a borderline candidate - so to not be denied definitely seemed sort of like a win for him…haha. But like others, he of course was hoping for the full on-campus experience. So for now, he will continue to research the opportunity and learn more. But would definitely like to see if anyone who has gone through the program and transitioned to campus had any feedback overall on the experience. Thanks in advance.

UF was a reach school for my son. He was accepted today to the PACE program and for us and him, it’s a great night! I have a lot of questions as well - where can he take other classes, is there a college close to campus where he could room with another PACE student and take the 45 hours while doing the 15 online, and be able to have the campus experience too?

My daughter was offered PaCE too. I’m glad to hear that some are excited about it. She’s really not. She’s actually pretty heart broken and offended. Personally, I didn’t think her stats were that low to make UF a reach school, and I thought her essay was pretty good as well. We’ve always heard how their admissions can be unpredictable, so I guess that’s how it is. She was accepted for regular fall admittance at FSU, UCF and USF (with both UCF and USF offering her their top scholarship awards, which with Bright Futures, would make them both pretty much full-ride. USF also offered her automatic entry into their Honors program). So this PaCE acceptance kind of feels like a slap in the face. It seems like the equivalent to going to a community college and transferring after getting an AA. She certainly didn’t need to do the IB program and the ridiculous amounts of work that entails to do that. So although UF was her first choice, unless she has a major change of heart over the next few weeks, I think she’ll be headed elsewhere where she feels like her efforts are appreciated.

A bunch of the Pace and Innovation students live at Windsor Hall. It is an off campus dorm and they love it. It is about a 4-5 minute walk to campus.

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What other dorms or apartments do you recommend for PACE students , or that most stay in?

If you’re thinking of enrolling into PaCE and moving to Gainesville, look into the optional fee package:

You can now choose to pay these fees and have access to these services. It’s the same fees a resident student would pay.

OOS Daughter accepted to PACE as well. Not sure if we will even consider this. 60 credits elsewhere is close to 2 years worth of work. She really is looking for the full college experience.

I am in PaCE right now, and it most definitely gives me the full college experience! I live in Windsor Hall and it gives me the full dorm experience as well. It might seem like a slap in the face to get a PaCE acceptance, but believe me, I think that PaCE can actually be better than a typical on campus student!!

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A lot of freshman PaCE students live at Windsor Hall of Ivy House, because they are dorm style, but if you don’t want that there are tons of apartment options available!

@arodgator, I would love it if you could tell us more about your experience and what kinds of advantages you’ve found as a PaCE student! I was accepted into PaCE yesterday and am trying to learn more about it an option! Thank you!

My DS was accepted to PaCE as well, very excited! Was a bubble kid. My older son was Accepted ,to PaCE in 2018 but elected to go to FSU. It was a little less known then. We are really excited for this opportunity for our younger son. He will be moving into an apartment right next to campus with a classmate from HS. I would like to share a post I wrote two years ago regarding a post a person made that PaCE wasn’t a real college experience to start:

“I respect your opinion, but what is your definition of a “real college experience”, is it living in a dorm?, walking to class?; going to actual classes? All of the above? Let’s address each item: There are a handful of living resident halls and /or apartments that are available that are even closer to library etc… than regular dorms, plus a little nicer. Ie. central air. Most non PaCE students spend freshman year in a dorm… after that, majority want to get an apartment. So … a PaCE student would miss about 7-8 months in the first year of not being in a dorm that’s not as nice?. Most kids can’t wait to get out!
Second, many first year classes are online anyway for non PaCE students. . and since many PaCE kids have Dual Enrollment /AP/AiCE prior credit some transition their sophomore year!. It’s all in what you make of it.
Also a PaCE student has full opportunity to have a college experience by joining Greek life. Club sports etc… no difference.“

With the optional fee to include student tickets for games, gym facilities etc… it’s real close to regular admission.

IF the end goal is to graduate with a degree from UF it doesn’t matter how you start it’s how you finish.

See this post I made two years ago referencing a person saying it should be either you are in regular or not.

“ Agree with many of your points, especially about either you are in or out. However, IF a person/student feels that having a resume saying “ University of Florida graduate” then who cares how you received it. It’s a big picture, long term goal, with the end result of having a four year degree from UF, which is a pretty big deal. It’s like many players in the NFL. Not all players were five star recruits and superstars to start, many had injuries, played at a JC, transferred etc…it’s not how you start, It’s how you finish that matters.

If your kid is happy and excited about UF and PaCE I say go all in and let em have at it!

We are…

Heard there are only 60 majors with PACE . D is looking to possible go Veterinarian route. Pace not an option for this. My research says limited to PACE majors only. UF was a reach for her and we are OOS. She received a huge scholarship for U DE and they have a terrific pre vet program. Hard to pass up the scholarship money when we will get none from UF. She is disappointed but moving on!

Santa Fe is the local community college. It’s got a lot of great programs. My son is PaCe as well and will likely take some classes there in conjunction with PaCe

My son who was offered Pace is probably going to choose to accept. Seems after doing some research- you do online UF classes and not Santa Fe (except for summer). But they can enjoy greek life, student tickets, study abroad, rec center, etc.
And a lot of the regular students do a lot online as well because there is just not enough room for everyone. So, I think he’s going to do it. We are from GA. Looking at apartment buildings close to campus with private rooms.

Same, I did the IB and we don’t even know how many points we will be receiving because of however they are calculating it… I feel like IB taught me the rigor of college level work but the amount of points I get out of it is unknown of course until July. This seems to be better fit for Dual kids :frowning: