TAMU 2023 Aggie Parent/Student (all majors) questions and answers

My Daughter 2021 wanted a modular and they were all full when she tried to get a room. She just chose a random room in another dorm and kept checking back to see if anything was available. A few weeks later she got into a modular. So don’t give up hope when housing opens, just keep checking back! :slight_smile:

Definitely keep checking back. A lot of the current kids will squat in their room and/or self select a different one in the next couple of weeks but have until May 1st to completely cancel out of that contract, so many do this while shopping for off campus apartments and then cancel just before May 1st.

@pbeigh are they allowing students to select rooms now? It’s never been like that before. The past 2 years, students are given a date and time to go and select rooms. Before then, the student would put down preferences and housing selected room/dorm. So are you saying for fall 2019 students are already allowed to select dorm and room?

@pbleigh the poster think you’re replying to was talking about Class of 2021, the first year they were able to select dorm and actual room. But, yes, AFTER your date and time, you are able to pop in and out and change rooms as you see fit. The only problem is if you have a roomie. Not sure you can pull them at that time since they have completed full contract of dorm and room.

@AggieMomhelp The current kids living in on campus housing have until 2/17 to apply for on campus housing for 2019/2020 school year. They were supposed to start the windows for those kids to self select a room for themselves on 2/11 but that was postponed and I believe the target date now is 2/17 but that could change. Right now the Housing Assignments office is assigning rooms for kids with housing accommodations and when they are done doing that they will open up the self select windows. Last year my son’s window opened March 6th during his freshman year and so I think its about the same as last year; it would make sense that the windows for juniors and sophomores would be in the weeks ahead of him. This year he received his confirmation that they have him squatted in his current room on 2/11 and last year I think it was a week later then that.

Oh you’re talking current students. lol my bad. But freshman class of 2022 didn’t get to select their freshman dorm/room til end of May last year, like May 23rd I believe was the first day. My son was on the 25th. These aren’t for any accommodations or LLC, just the general freshman class.

Since this is for Class of 2023, I don’t want anyone confused with current Aggie students in residence vs. freshman currently completing housing application.

can gateway students still live on campus their first year?

@cartershack yes but not sure when you’re able to register for the dorm.

@cartershack Everything you ever wanted to know about Gateway https://tap.tamu.edu/gateway/

When do you get your Aggie Ring if you’re on Blinn Team?

@texantexantexan https://www.aggienetwork.com/ring/eligibility/
You got a while. You won’t be on Blinn Team anymore by the time you can be eligible to order it.

My daughter is waffling a bit, which is tearing my heart up for her. She was accepted to TAMU/Mays in Sept as well as TXState (Business with Honors/President’s Honor Scholarship). UT Capped her so she signed up at TXState because of the proximity to UT (1st choice) with intent to apply for transfer after 1 year. However, I think its sinking in that A&M is an equally GREAT school without the anxiety of transfer later. While she is pondering her decision, will off campus apartments close to campus still be available AND with a late in the game orientation, what are realistic course options? She will have 21 AP credits against CORE so she will be looking for classes like Calculus CD, Econ 1 &2…do these fill up during earlier orientations?? Any guidance on these 2 concerns is greatly appreciated!

@TXlove I don’t know anything about TX State (didn’t even know they had a business school). I can’t imagine turning down Mays?!
When my daughter finally did NSC last month, only 3 of the 9 Mays NSC dates were still open, so you’re definitely running out of time for NSC options.
She needs to look at national rankings for Mays and TXState Business programs, and realistically how incredibly difficult it will be to transfer into McCombs at UT.

I have a similar question and am hoping someone with Mays expertise is reading… my son will also come in with lots of core hours- AP, Dual & some CC he’ll take this summer. He’ll have over 30 that apply toward his major, which will basically bump him into sophomore year in the course catalog recommended schedule. How realistic is it for a freshman to get into the soph year Mays classes, like Acct 229, Istm 210 or Mgmt 211? He has an early NSC, if that makes a difference. I imagine most kids these days come in with a handful of credits… just wondering how we’re going to build a freshman schedule? Also, is Busn 101 a recommended class?

@TXlove- best of luck to your daughter with her decision!

@TXlove , waffling is so hard! I’m pulling for her to go to TAMU!! :slight_smile: I’ve heard it is really hard to transfer into UT if you don’t go a Capped school like UTSA (is Texas State a cap school?). A friend of mine’s son went to either Oklahoma or Oklahoma State (I know, it’s bad that I don’t know the difference) for freshman year. For whatever reason, he didn’t like it or wanted to be closer to home or something. Anyway, he tried to transfer to UT with his 4.0 GPA from freshman year. He was denied. Not sure what major he was applying for but I think he was into sports broadcasting or something like that at Oklahoma…

@TXRunningMom Tx State is definitely not a UT Cap school. And I agree, incredibly difficult to transfer into UT, even with a 4.0

@txlove Throughout the summer, classes open up at the NSC for all classes. ISTM is always hard to get into. It fills up quickly regardless, even for upper classmen. BUT other courses should still be available. Remember there are only about 1000 Mays freshmen to compete with and everyone has different things in addition to Mays classes. I would save some core classes though if possible. It helps with their course load.

As for off campus housing… TAMU has an abundance of places. Noone is near being full. You will find a spot and can be matched with a roomie or two or three or however many live in that place (sometimes up to 5). So don’t stress about that part.

Best of luck on the decision process. Mays will prepare her better than TX State as well as if she weren’t to get into UT McCombs as a sophomore, MAYS is a great back up plan.

@agtrio23 I think that’s something you’ll need to discuss with a Mays advisor. I wouldn’t bank on Mays accepting all the hours to transfer in, from what I’ve heard.

For fellow Mays future freshmen & parents, we’ve gotten a lot of good info from the current student handbook…


It’s lengthy, but has sample schedules based on degree, and p.47 addresses courses most commonly transferred in by business undergrads (many of which my son will have). Yes, @52AG82, I do think meeting with an advisor prior to our NSC would be a good idea.

@agtrio23 thanks for that link! I have an incoming Business Honors student, so we will definitely take a look at that!