TAMU 2023 Aggie Parent/Student (all majors) questions and answers

If you’re taking about pulsing money, then yes get an account that local. Rarely do kids use cash tho. They can always pay by debit at store and get cash back. And most use Venmo between themselves.

As long as you have a way to get cash into their account, it’s not necessary for a local bank.

does anyone know how it works if i bring up my car for the summer? (i got admitted through gateway and have to stay in a dorm)

You’ll need. Parking permit. Hi through transpiration services and they will direct you on how to get one for the summer. Most permits go through mid August then new permits for the next academic year picks up the week before school starts.

This has been shared in the past, but I think it deserves repeating.

Parents of incoming freshmen - if your student will be living in a dorm, please make sure they have a bed rail, even if their bed is only raised a couple of feet.

“About 71,000 college kids are injured each year because of not having safety rails. Clark Jacobs, a Mechanical Engineering major at Georgia Institute of Technology was one of them. Clark suffered a traumatic brain injury that almost killed him.”

His family has been working to bring awareness to this issues. The above quote is from their website http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/