TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

Has anyone heard back regarding the Easterwood scholarship yet? We were told should hear even as early as the first wk of March… but nothing yet…

Could you please let me know whom you contacted to find out this information? Is it a group tour?

My son has a tour scheduled next Tuesday to meet with all the department heads but could not get hold of the contact person (we just got VM that did not allow us to leave any message when we called) … since his campus tour is required and there are no other dates available, we are not quite sure what’s going to happen now.

I’m not sure who my daughter called, but we got an email last night to the same effect.

@TexasMTDad. So is the tour you mentioned for UT or TAMU? Just want to verify because the email is from UT. Thanks.

UT. @nomatter had said that his son was not going to TAMU and then I asked him if his son was going to UT (have seen him on the UT boards) and then said that we were supposed to visit UT today.

@TexasMTDad. Thanks for the info.

We finally heard back from the Brown scholarship tour contact yesterday evening stating that all TAMU campus tours are also canceled. They will re-evaluate the situation (regarding tours) after 4/03.

Which are the newest and nicest dorms, don’t really have an idea since I am an OOS admit. If they could be near the engineering part of campus, it would be great.

@ash980123 Hullabaloo is the newest, built in 2013. If you go to the page for each dorm, you can see when it was built and when it was renovated.


The rates table at the link below gives a great summary of all the dorms but you have to add the build and renovate data.


You will have classes all over campus freshman year, so there is just minutes difference between living in northside or southside dorms. Some people really like Whitecreek apartments, which is considered on-campus housing but is quite a bit farther from campus. Its good to look at the map of dorms so you can see where everything is.


Many people pay attention to the different styles of rooms offered - ie some double rooms (modular, hullabaloo) are much bigger than all the other double rooms. Hope this helped!

As my son is a student from Holland who has been admitted to TAMU for next year, we have no idea if it is even possible to travel to the US in the next months.

So, given this uncertain situation the whole world is in at the moment, I would like to ask what is the latest date you can cancel your confirmation to attend next year classes, without being held to paying a full year of tuition. We have confirmed our NSC and are in the process of finding housing. If we loose those downpayments, it would be a pity but uncomparable to having to full a full tuition next year with being able/willing to attend next year.

If he decides not to attend TAMU next year, would my son have to reapply again for the year 2021, or can his admission be “simply” postponed by 1 year with having to reapply?

Maybe any of you can advise us.

@Dutchie2024 With regards to tuition, payment for the first semester wasn’t due till late August or early September last year. So you can chose not to pay it and the university won’t automatically charge you. However, if you sign a lease for a dorm or an apartment and do nothing to cancel, you are still responsible. Hopefully others can add or verify

Tuition is not due til school starts. So no, you aren’t on the hook for anything. Now if you have housing contract then you are responsible. However there is also a time frame for cancelling that as well where you may lose some money but not the whole thing. Same with dining dollars and even parking permit.

Thanks for both your reactions. All clear.

Besides the possible health implications for all of us, this situation has an effect on the education of my son for next year(s). Going to A&M next year (if possible at all) or first study for 1 year here in Holland and then going to A&M so all the Corona dust can settle in the meantime. Will the A&M acceptance remain valid for starting in 2021 as well in this specific case?

In the past, no. He would have to apply as a transfer because he would have college credit. However… this is all so unprecedented. It’s too early to know what will happen. Tamu just sent an email to current students stating they have up until almost the end of April to switch any class they want to to a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grading system. Meaning this semester doesn’t have to impact their GPA. They also extended Q drop deadline.

My point in this is that Tamu is already stepping up and making sure students feel less anxious about this semester. I see it as an amazing gesture.

I know it’s way to early to have any real idea, but any wild guesses to what might happen to the Class of 2024 that would start in August if the COVID-19 debacle continues in earnest? From the impact on NCS, to fish camp, to starting school… Would Texas A&M likely commence a new school year on-line (with people potentially living across Texas and out of state)? I’m sure tuition wouldn’t change even though the product, if you will, wouldn’t be the same. Crazy times.

Let’s not even think about that right now. I believe we will be back up and running in April at some point. Let’s not worry just yet.

Just wondering if anyone has heard back on the Easterwood scholarships?

Who knows? I currently have a freshman at school in New Jersey. He had to clear out his dorm last weekend (had to fly up there and back just to do that). The school hasn’t made a decision about how they are going to handle the room / board that I paid this semester and that he only used half of. Stay tuned.

Question: I need to pick between the locked or variable tuition rate for my daughter and I don’t really understand it but I have heard that locked is better because tuition goes up every year. ( I’ve seen that with a bunch of my friends and family at TAMU throughout the years and the price of attending)

COVID19 and its effect on the economy, do you think that will make choosing locked a better choice? Because of its negative effect on the economy ,could it make tuition rates higher as the years go by?

@Aggie2024Ever I don’t have a good answer for you because none of us know exactly what to expect going forward, I also though Locked would make the most sense however, if you read through the comparisons it seemed that it was a bit wonky and Variable seemed a better bet to me at the time. No idea what will happen. Hoping the don’t raise the tuition as at all or as much since everyone is taking a financial hit due to Covid-19.

How could I uncommit from A&M?