TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

Update on available housing. My son’s roommate got to pick today. Not many choices left for 2. My son would rather not leave roommate compatibility to chance.

The following are all that is available for 2 people: Kreuger, Keathley, Hart, Fowler, Eppright, Dunn, Appelt, Walton, and White Creek.

The following are available if you are sans roommate: Appelt, Aston, Dunn, Eppright, Fowler, Haas, Hart, Hobby, Keathley, Krueger, Moses, Neeley, Schumacher, Walton, Wells, and White Creek

Any idea on when roomate assignments will start coming out; e.g., ECOS/Mosher, etc.?

I have found the Aggie Parents (just the short titled one) Facebook Page, Extremely helpful as well as
the Facebook group Aggie Parents of Engineering Students.

They are the only Parent group that has staff members from various areas of A&M, including the college of engineering, that actively help parents and answer questions.

@Thelma2 Thanks so much for calling out those FB group pages! I’ve since joined both and have learned a lot!!! I especially like the engineering page. Jon is very helpful with the questions being asked about engineering.

Just received an A&M email that states: “ACTION REQUIRED: Consistent with the NSCs moving online, the College of Engineering will offer online, proctored MPE testing from May 15 through May 27 with select make-up dates to be determined in June and July.”

That appears to be a departure from the test being on the 2nd day of NSC and requires a bit of urgency to prep for the math test right now…

@BurOak Yes, I believe all engineering students got that email on Saturday. Also, something I learned from the FB Aggie Parent of Engineers group is that our students can take the practice on line MPE up to 5 times with no wait period between attempts.

Hey future Aggies! FYI-- Keep an eye on your email (especially the Spam folder) and (I presume) Howdy Portal. My student received an email today notifying him of another TAMU scholarship (he declined his acceptance either in March or early April I think). This one was a named departmental scholarship, and he would only have had a few days to accept it in writing. So, make sure you’re keeping an eye out! Not sure why it landed in Spam, but it would have been a shame to have missed out on it, if he were planning to attend TAMU.

Correction: Apparently, it would not have been posted in Howdy until he sent in his signed acceptance, so pay attention to email!

Does anyone know if TAMU is sending out “care/welcome packages” to all freshman? I’ve seen some people post on social media that their freshman student received a fun package from the university. No one seems to know if all incoming freshman will get them or not, or are they for any specific group of freshman. Anyone out there know anything???

The only thing I have ever seen mailed out, is the banner saying you’ve been admitted. Maybe since there is only virtual NSCs, they’ll send some swag, but nothing I have heard of.

I missed my roommate selection but do have someone in mind that I want to live with next year. Currently I’m in a room with a random girl in a Southside modular who is willing to switch if my roommate is able to also get a Southside modular. However, her selection is one of the last to open, so what are the chances of her being able to select a modular on Southside? I am unable to see the rooms still available on the housing portal and don’t know if there are any open.

Does anyone have any insight as to if the Math Placement Exam for Engineering students is pretty similar in toughness as the practice tests they can take on line? My daughter has taken the practice exam twice now and she said that the questions were very similar on both tests, just using different numbers within the problem. Will the real test be the same way? She’s just wondering if she can do really well on the practice tests, will she be ok on the real exam? Or is the real exam a completely different looking test?

I am just curious whether the time of the MPE is in central time.

^^^ when my son registered, his verification email said it was central time

The test practice and test is very similar. My son just took it today. And it was in central time.

Did your kids went thru the test already? I was so nervous today, I’m curious what I will do every finals :-)) I love that you know the results right away.

MPE practice tests were nothing like the real test according to my daughter. She took 4-5 practice timed tests and got 30-32 right out of 33. She struggled on the real test. I’ve heard a few people say that there wasn’t much of a difference, and then I’ve hear more say the tests are very different. Maybe it’s the luck of the draw as to which questions you get on your specific test. Who knows, but she passed and that’s all that mattered to her!

That’s so weird, seriously. My son told me the opposite. I’m curious about it. Of course the important thing is they pass, but still. Good for her. Good job!!!

May I ask where she got so many practice tests?

@icedmachiato She got them on line. This year due to the students being required to test earlier than their scheduled virtual NSC, they were given up to 5 practice tests to take on line. IMO, It might have something to do with the fact that most students weren’t signed up for NSC/testing for MPE for a month or more, and then were given 2 weeks to prepare for their MPE while most were still trying to graduate HS and take AP exams.

So two papers and three on howdy? Mine has not tried howdy so only has two papers. Thanks.