TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

Nsc isn’t binding until you go to nsc. Even then you aren’t contracted. You can withdraw/drop before school starts. No worries. Nsc is probably non refundable but I can’t remember for sure.

Getting scholarship Money is tough at tamu. Not sure why, but it is.

And most schools I would think would want you to apply as soon as possible. Nothing good comes from waiting especially if you are auto or academic admit. Several majors are extremely competitive and thus fill up quick. Viz is unfortunately one of those. If she changes her major now she is still accepted to the university. It is not based on major.

OU also gives a full ride for National Merit Scholars (and I think a stipend on top). The lady who sits behind me at work has a daughter that graduated from OU last spring and got a nice job at Boeing.

Does anybody know when they start with acceptances into honors programs? Specifically Engineering?

I’m not sure. My daughter applied for honors this week and I think the application is due 12/1. From what I can tell, general honors looks likely if you meet the requirements. From what I understand Engineering honors is more holistic. She didn’t want to do Engineering Honors.

Also, from what I understand, if you are in general honors you can take all of the honors engineering classes. But maybe @AggieMomhelp can clarify some of this as I have questions, too.

Eeek… I’m not sure about the honors stuff as I have zero first hand knowledge of it! @thelma2 had or has a son in engineering so she may know.

yes, I have heard getting those 4K to waive OOS tuition is almost impossible but we can still hope. I wish we had known that she needed to apply earlier to get into Viz but she should have done better research. Crying won’t help now. They suggested to change major to ENDS since the first year requirements are very similar. Thanks for your help!

I was wondering if someone could give me some suggestion on desired halls. We’re doing phase 2 and have no idea which halls to select at this point. He’s in engineering and lists Engineering Village LLC as his first choice. Which halls would work/be best for his case? Also what’s everyone’s feedback on 2 vs. 4? Thanks.

@icedmachiato rest assured that whatever you put down in Phase 2 (except for LLC) is not binding nor is it guaranteed that it will be available when your time is up to select. LLCs are different though.

As for 2 vs 4, it’s a personal preference. If in White Creek, then they have their own room which is great whether there are 2 or 4 people. If in hullabaloo, you only share bedroom with one person but bathroom with either 2 or 4 depending on style. I think Engineering LLC is still in the Commons. That’s a suite style (think Jack and Jill).

Getting scholarship Money is tough at tamu. Not sure why, but it is.<<<<<<<

I just read that Texas alone has 1,340 NMSFs (most should be able to make that into finalists). That is why the 2 top public schools don’t need to go shopping for OOS students. Texas has plenty of diversity and low income students, and probably enough kids who can handle various types of balls. This doesn’t even count the kids like in this thread that are super students with +99th% test scores that missed PSAT.

Thanks for the response. I was hoping you would give me some recommendation on which halls to select. He spoke to some of his old friends and decided to pick halls accordingly. What do you mean by saying “LLCs are different though”?

Yeah, TX has gone up quite a bit. I suspect it’s due to the movement from other states, and California in particular. When my son started high school, I was hoping/expecting that he would be in the top group if not top 10. I soon found out that it’s quite competitive and that was not a reasonable expectation. :smiley: The school is quite demanding and there are many smart/hard working kids in his class. I do know some kids with 99th% tests scores but missed the PSAT as well.

@icedmachiato lol… I’m telling you that you have time. The exact hall name is putting the cart before the horse. First they need to decide the style of dorm they want:

Suite Style (only at the Commons, southside of campus)
Modular (north and south)
Ramp (north)
Corridor (north)
Hullabaloo(it’s its own thing) (north)
Apartment style (west and one is just off campus on Old College dr.)

From there, if you want modular, you decide where on campus would be the most practical to live. North side or south side. They both have their pros and cons. You’ll want to have a list of preferences at your fingertips so you can move quickly on selection day.

When the spring comes and you get your time slot… it all goes to heck in a handbasket because you’re scrambling to find an open room. BUT at least you have starting points. You just work down the list.

All the halls and room layouts are online under tamu residence… google will become your friend.

Oh, for LLCs, you don’t get to pick the dorm. the LLC you are in dictates where you live. Not all majors participate in this, but engineering does and I believe if it stays the same as the past years, it’ll be in the commons.

@AggieMomhelp Thanks for the response. I just browsed through the reslife.tamu.edu. Now I know what’s going on and how things are structured! Looks like Aston, Mosher and Krueger are only choices for Engineering LLC. Do you have any feedback on these?

Engineering LLC is in the Commons, so that is the style. The only two dorms are Mosher and Aston. My son just did the same thing last week. I don’t think the dorms matter because they are the only options for the Eng LLC, but it does make you put something down.

@icedmachiato , my daughter lives in Mosher and loves it. She was housed in Aston for 3 weeks when Mosher flooded at the beginning of the semester. She did not like Aston as much-it was not as studious. Several middle of the night fire alarms, etc.

The commons are all the same as far as style, renovations, amenities and location. It will depend on the people in them on what is the best fit for your student. So noone will know til they are there. The commons are pretty tight quarters, but liveable once you lift the bed and put as much under it as possible.

Has anyone interviewed for any scholarship like Brown, Brockman etc. yet? Not sure what is the timeline for scholarship interviews is.

@val0822, are you a National Merit? Last year, the first Houston Brown interview round was December 8th but some students even had phone interviews as late as February. Did you apply separately for the Brockman? The Austin round of interviews was December 1st last year with the Finalists weekend at College Station January 24-27. You can search last year’s thread with my screen name. We had a lot of chatter going on about it that might be helpful for timing. Feel free to ask me any questions or send me a message. Please post when you hear something! It will be fun for me to watch this year how it all unfolds since I don’t have a kid in the game for the Class of 2024.

@TXRunningMomTXRunningMom, Thanks for the reply.
I was asking for my son. He is NMSF. He is admitted to BIMS
He did not apply for Brockman though as it is more for Engg student. And He is not looking for 5 year of scholarship.
I did check last year discussion group and people were talking about interviews around mid Nov. That’s why I was asking about it.
We are in Dallas. I will definitely keep you informed. Hope to hear from other people too.

@val0822 , I’m trying to think…most of the Brown scholars I know of are engineering or business majors. I do know of an upperclassman who is going on to medical school so maybe her major is BIMS? Not sure but that could cut down his chances for an interview? I’m guessing he may not be invited in the first wave or two of interviews if those are focused more on engineering/business majors. I would not give up hope until mid February though. Sometimes Mr. Brown just does a phone call interview later in the game I think. He has no set amount of scholarships that he gives out each year like the Brockman. He told us last year that he could give out 50 or 60, it just depends on what the candidate pool is like that year. Best of luck to your son!

@TXRunningMom, as per website
Enroll at Texas A&M the fall semester after your high school graduation and major in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or math) or Business at one of the University Colleges: Engineering, Science, Ag & Life Sciences, Biomedical Science & Veterinary Medicine, Public Health or Mays Business College

But we will wait till Feb. Thanks for all the information.