@sapphire33 this is another post I found in the same thread posted on Jan 11th, 2020. There probably is a little hope. I really wish someone would help the kids if they have any questions. And the fact that people are working remotely due to COVID is not helping. My daughter sent emails and left voice messages, no response
My family were finally able to have a somewhat coherent conversation … we got up at 4 am yesterday and did not get to bed until 2:00 this morning (return flight was REALLY late because of the storm) so I’m fuzzy all day.
Here is the info we have for this year’s Brown Scholarship:
700 students selected by A&M for the Brown Scholarship consideration. Mr. Brown and his wife personally read through them all (image the time and effort they had to put in), made invitations to 90-100 kids, and 50-55 scholarships will be awarded.
Among the 4 kids came from DFW to be interviewed yesterday, except my son, the other 3 were all new invites and recently notified. There were 6 “local” kids (assume from around Houston or Austin) interviewed yesterday also. More were interviewed today. It sounds like the interviews are still on-going, so don’t give up hopes yet if you are still waiting.
My son said Mr. Brown, Ms. Matthew, and his interviewer were all extremely nice, so tell your kids (or yourself)…