Tamu 2025 Gateway

Howdy everyone! My daughter completed Phase II this morning for housing. She chose White Creek for first 3 choices. As I have heard, this selection does not really mean anything. She also is doing the roommate match and praying she gets someone that is suitable and same personality. She is pretty shy. Grateful for Gateway program and the intro to TAMU before the fall.

Happy Super Bowl Day!!!

  • List item

@aggiemomhope it doesn’t matter AT ALL what students list/rank…not even sure why they added that? It’s super misleading.
All boils down to time stamp Housing app was paid. White Creek will be open.
You might put on FB that your daughter is looking for a roomie-friends of friends might know someone. Congrats!

When would she list the roommate if she finds one…at the end when the final selection is?

@aggiemomhope I’m not sure, the ‘phase’ thing is different now, from when my child went thru. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to join Aggie Parents page-there will be many posts about Housing selection, and someone from ResLife is a member, which is a huge help!

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@aggiemomhope if your daughter does find a roomie, whichever has the better/earlier selection time, that roomie ‘pulls’ the other into the room with her. It sounds confusing, and it’s the most hectic, stressful process EVER…but it will make sense.


I get to join y’all over here! I’ll send the discord link to her. She’s gonna love that!

I’m so happy that she’s going to be in this program.



Thank you! She’s pretty excited. We are likely going to spend part of our spring break in College Station to do some O&M type of work with her since she’s legally blind.


Does anyone know when our Gateway kids apply for the Summer Housing for the program? I marked today (March 15th) as the day on my calendar but didn’t see anything about it in the Friday Gateway update email.

I logged into the housing portal myself this morning and there is no option for summer housing other than the standard “Summer housing opens on March 15”

And its now there

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It is there now. I just did it. Thanks!

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Are y’all staying in white creek?


All summer housing students will be housed in The White Creek Apartments.

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They will be spoiled. It’s a great complex and location now that they have a community center right there.

My daughter was admitted to Gateway starting this summer (July 2022). I would love any feedback from last year’s Gateway students/ parents. How was your students transition to a full course load and a packed campus in Fall and Spring? My daughter was a little freaked but the Gateway presentation and how much the average GPA drops from summer to fall.

Also, any advice for the best device for use in college? My daughter’s ADHD coach recommended an iPad for being able to download professors handouts and “write” on notes but I have read that many exams are taken online so was thinking laptop is better for that.

thanks for any feedback!

@collegebound3kids she will definitely need a laptop. But many kids have both-a tablet/iPad and laptop. Since you mentioned she had ADHD, make sure she gets signed up with Office of Disability prior to Fall, if her IEP allows for accommodations.

Not sure what you mean about gpa dropping from Summer to Fall? I would think most Gateway students make A’s in summer; they’re only taking 2 pretty easy classes. It isn’t as easy to maintain a 4.0 with 12-15 hours, most classes much harder.

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@collegebound3kids for sure grades typically fall from their summer courses to their fall full load courses. But that’s because most make a 4.0. I would have her take 12 hours only in the Fall to help with that. And have at least one class that is “fun and easy”. That’s different for everyone, of course. But scour the degree plan and courses that she’s interested in by reading the course description (sometimes the name is misleading).

Definitely needs a laptop. EVERY student needs one. Whether it’s a MAC or HP type will depend on her major. And no, most exams are not taken online anymore unless it’s an online course.

Tell her not to freak out, lol, Gateway will help her transition beautifully into the Fall semester. And definitely do what @52ag82 said and get her with disability services!