TAMU Blinn-TEAM : Fall 2017 parent perspective



Try this link for biology classes at Blinn this semester. Guessing it is similar each semester.

Never mind. Link did not work. I was able on the Blinn site finally able to link to list of courses.

I can’t seem to post links.

But Google : Blinn College Bryan, TX 2016-2017 Course catalog and click on course descriptions. It looked like there were 9 pages of courses. It should give you an idea as to what is available. Not sure when the catalog for next year is published.

Good luck!

My son was accepted to A&M Engineering - Blinn team today. We are beyond excited for him! I’m sad that he missed Aggieland Saturday. Hopefully they will have other dates for students that have recently been accepted.

@GManmom123 Schedule a day to go down and meet with departments. It will be on a weekday, but there are a lot of folks who go on tours throughout the year. http://www.tamu.edu/visitors/index.html and at Blinn in Bryan http://www.blinn.edu/recruiting/tours.html You could knock out both in a day

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! May it be a sweet day (or week) for everyone who is still waiting for an offer from TAMU!

Last year, we were in your shoes, still waiting for my daughter’s offer from TAMU, and it arrived in the afternoon of Valentine’s Day! There was a bit of disappointment at the beginning, we didn’t know much about the Blinn-TEAM option. But then she she realized that it was a great option!

This year, she is a VERY HAPPY AGGIE IN AGGIELAND! WHOOP! :slight_smile:

Hopefully, decisions will be released soon for everyone who is still waiting. Good luck!

Thanks @AggieMomAgain For being so helpful to so many and helping them understand what a terrific program Blinn Team is! Happy Valentine’s Day!

There have been questions about NSC on other threads so I’ve copied one of my answers to this thread to keep everything in one place. :slight_smile:

For New Student Conference in June 2017, my daughter and I stayed in a local hotel. A little quieter, perhaps. Check for the locations near campus. I mistakenly reserved one further from campus than I had planned to, so we ended up at a place on the main Hwy 6. Also, the hotel was having issues with WiFi and that made it difficult for my daughter to look up info on classes and professors, etc. at night. She could access some info on her phone but not her computer or my Kindle. Wish we had switched hotels after the first night, but they told me it was “being fixed” when we left to go to campus that morning. But they ended up offering a partial refund.

Definitely go to the pre-conference afternoon if at all possible. The sign in lines are not as long as they are in the morning. And your student can pick up their sports pass. Pay for that earlier online.

Plus, you can get the “Class of ##” and Family shirts in the sizes you need on pre-conference day. Several people mentioned later that some sizes were not available when they signed in at the morning session. People wore them on the second day. Take lots of photos!

We stayed elsewhere for the night before Fish Camp.

Another answer from a different thread about the NSC process, asked by a mom with a student accepted to TEAB Blinn Engineering at the Bryan campus:

For the regular Blinn-TEAM 2017, the NSC that my daughter attended included an info session on the second day, (just before course selection) that had an adviser from TAMU as well as Blinn. They covered general info for all of the majors and then they had breakout sessions for the specific majors (or in our case, colleges such as Liberal Arts).

I would expect that TEAB Engineering Blinn at Bryan campus would also have such an info session specific for the engineering students and that all of the scheduling of classes (for Fall 2018) on both campuses would be held on the second day. And someone else mentioned that all of the NSC that you can sign up for from the students account cover their specific offer.

Take a copy of his HS transcript AND if he has any Dual Credits, take a copy of the Community College Transcript with the college course numbers you so that there isn’t any questions about what he already has credit for. Students have to accept Dual Credit but they don’t have to accept AP credit, and they have several years (I think) in order to accept AP credit, while DC will need to be factored in for any pre-requisites. Print out at take a copy of the course requirements for whatever degree your student plans to pursue.

Contact the advisers at TAMU and Blinn by email for any specific questions, prior to the NSC if possible, as they are swamped during the NSC. They are pretty good about answering emails in a timely fashion!

For the following Spring semester and beyond, the students have to register for classes separately for each campus. But the advisors can still answer questions by email or a scheduled appointment.

Adding on to what @AggieMomAgain said for TEAB the Engr classes at A&M and Math and Chem classes at Blinn are in fixed tracks. At the NSC you can’t choose specific class times. You can choose only tracks and you also don’t know what professors are taking those classes until later on. For Example my daughter had only Track 10 left which was Blinn on Mondays and Wednesdays and Engr at TAMU on Tues and Thurs. She only had to look up for her Core Curriculum classes. She had attended the June 29-30 NSC. But she was able to call up the Engr Academy advisor later on ( August beginning) and change her track to a different one even though she was told at the NSC that all the other tracks were closed.

@goaggie When you mention “don’t know what professors are taking those classes” is there a way to find out the best professors to take? Is that why she changed tracks?

@GManmom123 What I meant was that the professors were not decided for those courses. It just said To Be Decided.The professors were not confirmed until much later probably July end if I remember correctly. She changed her track because her first class at Blinn was at 7: 45 am. Since she chose to live off campus and doesn’t have a car there was no way she could make it to the campus and from there to Blinn by 7;45am. The buses start only from 7 am. So she changed her track to one where her first class at Blinn was at 9 am. The professors she had for her earlier track were better rated on Rate my Professor than the ones she had eventually taken.
Some of the tracks are specifically set aside for the Corps of Cadets so they close those tracks off to the others. So my understanding is that after all the NSCs (or at least the ones till July ) are over if there are vacant spots they will be available to the others.The majority in my daughter’s track were in the Corps

@goaggie Thanks for the info!

Can anyone give advice about Blinn Team Engineering and possibly joining a fraternity? My son is interested but his dad and I think it’s a bad idea. He’s a really good student but we are worried about the rigors of the Engineering program for the Blinn Team members. Fraternities can be time consuming.

@GManmom123 : I don’t have any concrete advice about a student on Blinn Team Engineering going through the Greek recruitment, etc process for a fraternity. But here is what I have heard from my daughter and her friends regarding the Sorority recruitment process and their experiences with Fraternity boys in general.

My daughter is regular Blinn-TEAM, she went through Greek recruitment in her first semester, Fall 2017. The recruitment process for the Sororities is during the week before school starts, it is hot, stressful and can be overwhelming, but both of my daughters were selected by their first choice and have met fantastic friends in their sorority. Part of the Sorority process is the recruitment of girls with similar personalities, goals, etc. It does take a lot of time to belong to a sorority, but both of my daughters have learned great time management skills. There is the added advantage that group study sessions and a gpa requirement are part of the sorority environment and I would recommend going Greek for a girl.

I don’t know when or how long the Fraternity recruitment process is, but I believe that it begins in the Fall semester also. My daughter and her friends have said that alcohol is a BIG issue with the Fraternities on the TAMU campus, and that the boys “have to do stupid things” as part of joining the fraternity. I don’t know if any of that tips over into hazing or not. I don’t know if alcohol and “stupid things” are actually a part of ALL fraternities or not, either. The Sorority houses have House Mothers that live in the house. As far as I know, the Fraternity houses do NOT have a responsible adult living in the house. (And who thought that it was a good thing to let a bunch of adolescent males live together or party together without any adult supervision???)

We haven’t spent much time talking about fraternities. But my daughter says that she won’t date a frat boy, and she has been asked out by a lot of them. I trust her sense of judgement and I am glad that she is being prudent.

The Sororities have “brother houses” that they socialize with, but none of her friends want to date any of them! Evidently, several of her older sorority sisters have dated “frat boys” in the past and the boys have broken up with them when “they start to have feelings” for the girls as the frat stuff takes up a lot of time. The one exception to the “bad boy frat boy rule” is the actual older brother of one of her sorority sisters, she says that all of the girls think he is sweet, but as far as I know, he isn’t dating anyone she knows.

There are various groups that students can join, Freshman groups, male or female only groups, majors groups, Christian groups, various interest groups, dance groups, etc. There is even a QUIDDITCH team group!! Belonging to at least one small group is a good thing as CStat is huge and it is a good thing to “belong” SOMEWHERE! The Blinn-Engineering students may well be a “small group” of their own, I just don’t know.

My son-in-law was an Engineering major (full admit) who belonged to a large Christian group and managed to juggle his time well between studying, (he graduated early with nearly a perfect 4.0), the Christian group and being an excellent boyfriend to my older daughter! :slight_smile: He graduated well before her, they got engaged just before her Senior TAMU year and married during the Summer after she earned her Aggie degree! WHOOP!

My current Aggie daughter has a male Sophomore friend, full admit, in a science major (but not Engineering) who is a several generations fraternity legacy who chose NOT to join a fraternity because of the prevalence of alcohol and the time commitment. He plans to go on for an advanced degree and did not want to risk his grades or his health by joining a fraternity. He joined one of the Freshman groups last year, is a “big” in that group this year and is looking into joining a men only service group this year.

Perhaps you can find out when some of the recruitment for the various clubs sessions (or Fraternities?) will be in the Spring and make a visit to CStat then so that he can get a feeling for what sort of people are joining which groups. Or at least see if there is info online, facebook pages, etc.

Good luck, it is more than a little terrifying when they are living away from home for the first time!. I am SO grateful that my daughter has made good choices and is enjoying living the Aggie life! :slight_smile:

For guys, I believe they attend parties/gatherings throughout the spring and summer. If he knows anyone at A&M in a frat already, reach out to them. Most of the frats know who they are making a bid for before the rush starts when they get to school. That is NOT the time for first intros. Frats work different than sororities, from what I understand.

Here are some links I found https://tamu.greeklink.com/
https://tamu.greeklink.com/fraternities The links to each frat have contacts it appears for rush events

Hi y’all: I received this info by email regarding the recent changes in the required gpa for Blinn-TEAM. This is for the regular Blinn-TEAM, not the Blinn-Bryan Engineering of those who want to get into Mays from Blinn-TEAM.

When my daughter was accepted into Blinn-TEAM for Fall of 2017, the required gpa was 3.0. They have since lowered the required gpa to 2.5. See the info below.

"Thanks for your questions. The TEAM Program is finally undergoing some improvements we requested two years ago, and the GPA needed to transition from the program is changing from 3.0 to 2.5. The main reason for this is that there are some majors that only require a 2.0 GPA, yet TEAM students who finished the program with less than a 3.0 GPA have not been allowed to enter those majors despite having the GPA due to not successfully completing the TEAM Program. We want students to aim high, but are lowering the GPA to allow more TEAM students to transition to full enrollment. This new rule does not affect the GPAs needed to get into specific majors. There are some other improvements you can read about at blinnteam(dot)wordpress(dot)com. I can’t get this to post, so put dots in instead of (dot) between those words.

The GPAs needed for all A&M students to reach all majors are listed on our website : tap.tamu.edu under the “change of major” link. Your are correct that TEAM students need a 3.8 to reach Mays Business School". I can’t seem to put that link in.

I am very happy to share that my daughter earned a 4.0 in her 2 TAMU classes and a 3.3 in her 3 Blinn classes (1 A, 2Bs) for the Fall Semester 2017! :slight_smile:

It is a bit disconcerting that completion of the Gateway program requires only a 2.0 gpa for 2 Summer classes. If someone struggles to make Cs in Summer classes, that does not bode well for their future at TAMU.

Wondering if anyone knows which apartments have bus stops for the Blinn bus that are either on property or very close by. Thank you!

College Station Apartments https://www.google.com/maps/search/college+station+apartments/@30.6058412,-96.3416133,14z/data=!3m1!4b1

Here are the ones in Bryan https://www.google.com/maps/search/bryan+texas+apartments/@30.6411756,-96.3785579,13z/data=!3m1!4b1

The bus route is number 12
You can study the route and the map and the complexes to determine the best one for you.

Bus 12 is the one that goes to and from Blinn Bryan and TAMU campus. Look at the TAMU transportation website, it shows the route. Then you should be able to find which apartments at near the bus stops.

Our daughter chose one of the apartment buildings on University so as to be just across the street from TAMU as she only spends time at Blinn when she has classes there. She spends much more time on the TAMU campus even though she has fewer hours at TAMU as she belongs to a fun campus group, eats on campus and attends activities there.

She has a one bedroom by herself. I was worried that she would be isolated but some of her sorority sisters who don’t get along with their “pot luck” roommates stay with her on the weekends. And her group of friends gather at her place before and or after going out to the night spots in Northgate.

Fingers crossed for everyone who is still waiting, may there be a lot of offers going out tomorrow!

Hopefully there are A LOT of seats still available for all options that lead to living the Aggie life: Full Admit, Gateway, Blinn-TEAM and Blinn-TEAB (Engineering at Blinn-Bryan).

Good luck to everyone! :slight_smile: