TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@TAMUMOM72 – it depends more on how competitive her specific major is this particular year and how her stats compare to those who have applied to her major. In a math heavy major like chemistry and biochemistry, I would bet the average admitted ACT is higher than the average ACT for A&M in general. They will no doubt heavily consider her math ACT score–do you know what that was?

For GPA, I believe unweighted GPA is the one that matters. A&M does take activities like mission trips to Haiti into consideration I’m sure. It’s just tricky because that is a somewhat common thing these days–lots and lots of great kids do those trips and other amazing things.

One thing is for sure–she sounds like a great kid. I hope it all works out for all of our kids.

@TAMUMOM72 It does NOT depend on the choice of major whether she get admitted to A&M. I spoke with an admissions advisor and she told me Texas A&M admits students based on their application information, NOT on their choice of major. If the student has the credentials to be admitted and their college choice of major is full, then they would be asked to change their major.

This is directly from the Texas A&M website on the Admissions page under FAQ:

“Should I change my major? Will that give me a better chance of being admitted?
No; choice of major is not considered when making the admission decision to the University. Most majors are determined on a first come, first served basis. There are several colleges at Texas A&M with additional admissions criteria and enrollment limits; therefore, admission to your major is not guaranteed.”

Thanks fo the info…I’m just ready to know already!

When did you apply: October 29th
When did you get your UIN: November 2nd
When did you receive your admission decision: Haven’t received one
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: Communications. No
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 25%
SAT: n/a
ACT: 26
GPA: 4.87/5
Essays: Wrote A, B, & C
I have done over 300 hours of community service through 7 organizations over the past four years. I am in National Honor Society, play club sports as well as sports for my school, and I am a TAFE member. I have taken AP courses and have done dual credit (graduating with 24 college credit hours).

What do you think my chances of getting in are/Blinn Team?

@carachel2 any scholarship would be welcomed but money is not an issue. Yes, all other schools have offered anywhere between 90-100% scholarship but our son would take A&M even if we have to pay 100%. he wants to be in the Corps and there’s NO WAY he’s so ROTC at other schools. He didn’t even want Westpoint or Annapolis even though his uncle taught at the latter for years! Ugh! I’m just praying he gets in!!!

@gogogogobruins --ok, wow! I can’t imagine paying OOS fees to go to A&M! I guess if he wants it that bad and you have it to spend then go for it! Good luck!

@carachel2 it is rather frustrating considering his dad is an Aggie, went to Bryan high school, his grandparents and cousins all still live in B/CS and he is a 6th generation Texan who just happen to live in Tennessee for the last 5 years

Son was OOS several years ago and went into Corps. It was fairly routine then to get a corps scholarship in the amount required to receive in-state waiver. Hope your son gets in.

When did you apply: Dec 1st
When did you get your UIN: 12/3
Admission decision: 1/10
Idk what academic or review admit is, but I know I wasn’t auto admit
Civil engineering, yes I got in, 1/16
Honors: I’ve applied to so many places I honestly can’t remember if I applied
Class rank: top 50%

Who else has anxiety and just wants their admission decision ?! :frowning:
It’s gotta come! I feel like with my luck I won’t get mine till March…and then everyone else will know by Saturday but me

@aggrad91 Did your AIS change and make it official???

@Bree98 Yes AND Yes!! Please don’t let it be March! That would just be wrong. Hopefully, this is the week for us all!

@warrior101x will you give me an opinion on my daughter’s chances? She applied August 1, don’t know when she got her UIN. Cl;ass rank 12%. SAT 1240 UW GPA 3.89 Officer in FFA two years, on Livestock judging team, chapter conducting team, NHS, shows livestock, has been in other clubs throughout high school, community service, has held a job throughout high school, wrote all three essays, submitted a letter. It is eating us up as we have seen other students with lower GPA’s who also did not meet the minimum test requirement and fewer extracurricular activities get accepted. She ap[plied for animal science with biomed as second choice.

@ebetdear Your daughter sounds very similar to my son except that your SAT is better by about 200 points(my son does not test well). My son got offered PSA last year, which he declined. If you had good essays I think you have a borderline(but possible!) shot at full admission and a good shot for Blinn Team. We honestly were hoping for Blinn Team with my son. This is a very non-expert opinion. Be prepared for Blinn Team if it happens. We would have done flips for that, honestly. It is so hard to get in as a review admit!

@ebetdear she has a strong chance. Her SAT a little above average for TAMU, her rank is solid and she has a strong resume. Although she applied for a tougher major. My sister currently studies animal science at tamu and I’ve heard about how competitive it is. Your daughter definitely has a strong chance though, but like I’ve said before. There’s no way of knowing for sure.


What do you think my chances of getting in are/Blinn Team?

When did you apply: October 29th
When did you get your UIN: November 2nd
When did you receive your admission decision: Haven’t received one
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: Communications. No
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 25%
SAT: n/a
ACT: 26
GPA: 4.87/5
Essays: Wrote A, B, & C
I have done over 300 hours of community service through 7 organizations over the past four years. I am in National Honor Society, played club sports as well as sports for my school, and I am a TAFE member. I have taken AP courses and have done dual credit (graduating with 24 college credit hours).

@xxagxx your act might not help you much. Your rank is decent. It’s a close one. Did you take the SAT at all? Since communications is more English heavy and not as much math and science, a good SAT score would probably help you more than a good ACT score.

Btw, my stats if anyone was wondering:

Applying for business
Applied mid October (still in review)
ACT: 28
SAT: 1360
Rank: I go to a top 10 public high school in this state, literally insanely competitive so I’m around top 40%, but my test scores and the competitiveness of my school should make up for that (our schools acceptance rate for tamu is like 93%)
Clubs: NHS, Speech and Debate
Other EC’s: 3 sport varsity athlete, YMSL ( charity organization ) member
Work: 2 years working 35-40 hours a week (even during the school year) at the same job, it’s a high level job that requires lots of skill and experience
Essays were definitely a 10/10, they were amazing
Rec letters: only submitted 1 from my boss but it was really good

Can anyone chance me?

Blinnteam on my status this morning!
12 percent rank
1250 SAT
26 ACT

So relieved!

So, @warrior101x, Just for fun, I may as well join in. Class rank not so good. To help account for that, my son wrote one of his essays about moving a lot due to military and other job changes (three elem schools, two middles and two high schools). He took mostly on-level courses and couldn’t get his rank up any higher, even though he got all A’s and B’s. Very high achieving high school.

When did you apply: 9/1
Major/College of Choice: Wildlife and Fisheries
Class Rank: 241/629 (38%)
ACT: 28
ECs: Varsity Baseball, Team Captain, NHS, a few other school clubs, Student leader in YoungLife, worked at Christian camp last summer and spent 8 weeks away from home, lots of church involvement. His 3 essays were pretty good. 2 very strong letters of rec.