TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

As far as going this weekend, we live an hour and a half away, but my son has a HS baseball game. And since he hasn’t been admitted, there’s no point for me to further encourage the idea.

We are 3 hrs away and planning to be there on Saturday, but I’m praying this doesn’t blow up in my face. DD has four acceptance letters in hand, major scholarships to other schools that are nearing acceptance deadlines, and is still holding out for A&M. Dad is an Aggie, so it’s always been her dream. She has started talking about going to Blinn, then applying for transfer after a year, if she doesn’t get accepted this round. That being said, if she gets PSA or a denial this week, the wound will be very fresh and she may not be up to attending Aggieland Saturday.

If I don’t hear any news by around the 11th, is it safe to say that I probably won’t get full admission? Maybe PSA? Gateway?

All of my friends have either been accepted, or they’re seeing changes on their AIS/Howdy.

Both Howdy and AIS changed my term from “Fall 2017” to “Summer 2017”, and my “psychology major” to “general studies major”, but both still remain in review, and the change occurred the 5th of february late at night.

@natashamegaf sounds like Gateway! Congrats!

We are going down on Saturday. I am trying to get all our questions together. If you aren’t able to attend and would like me to ask anything, let me know and I will do my best.

Guys I just spoke with admissions and they will not take into consideration that I am already in the dance program at TAMU…I feel like acceptance is getting farther and farther away from me. :confused:

@Bree98 Keep your chin up. This is a stressful week (school year!). I’m feeling the same as you this week though. My son is hearing from kids at school that they are getting their decisions this week. He is telling me that his scores and grades are better. This is a very tough process for all and it’s hard to figure out the method behind the madness.

@Bree98 here’s a quote from TAMU admissions rep back in the same week in 2015 (NOTE : it is NOT from 2017!!) but I’d imagine the same would be true this year (it has been in the past) :

"There might be a handful of full offers of admission, but it will be less than 50. Gateway and Blinn TEAM offers will also be sent along with denial letters. "

Unlike what you would imagine, they don’t go down the list and fill to the brim each admission category then move on to the next one. Exact numbers will vary from the quote above, but at least it gives you some insight. Good luck to you & others that are waiting to hear :slight_smile:

Hold tight, @Bree98 It is only Tuesday. Don’t give up just yet

@kaydeeloo @AGmomx2 @Thelma2 Thanks guys. I’m trying so hard to not worry. I just want this more than anything and have worked my butt off for this. I’m sure it’s the same for all of you and your kids.

@AGmomx2 so do you think they are only offering a handful of full admissions this week? I thought a couple of days ago someone said admissions said they had about 12k applications left to look through? My son hasn’t heard anything yet… trying to figure out if this means he should just about write off getting full admit.

It has been crazy stressful! I don’t think I was this anxious when I applied to colleges! At least being an OOS homeschooled, we don’t know anyone who has heard back from A&M.

Well y’all remember that 2018 profile we’ve seen so many times… 35,667 total applicants. 10,830 were top 10%. 3,446 Academic Admits. Of the 17,000+ Review Admits: 2,800 Full. 4,000 Blinn Team. 600 Gateway. 9,000 PSA. = 21,676 total admits.

My son was afflicted with a few others by the disappearing Howdy tabs back in December. Howdy went from 3 tabs to 6 tabs, and his major changed to his second choice. Howdy then changed back to 3 tabs where it has remained since. Any ideas?

My daughter’s status just changed to “You have been admitted to Blinn Team”.

@kaydeeloo that’s so crazy…I’m hoping for full admission, like everyone else, but I would be so excited for Blinn TEAM.
If I got offered PSA I would be very upset. It’s hard to go to another TAMU campus and try to find a place to dance.

@katytxaggie Congrats!

@2TXkids Was your son not accepted in November?

If I were to guess, I’d say that the pattern would be pretty similar. The way admissions work here is partly an algorithm since they do not do wait lists. They are predicting a rate of return for admissions - they have been wrong in recent years with many more students accepting their offers than anticipated. I would not give up completely yet, but also realize that the number of full admit slots would be minimal at this point given rolling admissions have been in full swing for months (starting with the automatic admits- top 10% & academic). On the plus side, there are still some left (traditionally) and you only need one open slot. As I had mentioned before, we knew a student who got full acceptance in March, so it happens.

I know you asked about Math majors, that department does not usually fill to the top. It should still be available if it he is granted full admission. We knew well a math major & an engineer with a math minor , they both had no problems getting their classes.

@kaydeeloo 9,000 PSA…ugh!