TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@warrior101x I hope the person you know is right! I’m not sure…I’m going to hold out on the last hope that there’s still a small chance I could get into Mays, so I don’t plan on switching. I can’t remember what your second major was, but I imagine it’s not full, so you’re still going to be (or already are) fully considered for it! When I spoke with someone a couple months ago, I was informed that if you get your second choice major, you usually get notified when the last acceptances go out (so around this week or possibly next)

So curious…are there any non engineer, non business, REVIEW admits that have been accepted. The only ones I keep seeing are for these 2 majors and was wondering…thanks! BTW D is Biology, 2nd choice Genetics

So I haven’t written anything in this thread but I follow it obsessively so I still feel like I know you all ;). My daughter is a review admit as well but she is also a scholarship athlete. My understanding per the academic person from her athletic department is that she doesn’t need to be concerned about not having heard back from admissions yet so I have tried not to. I admit to checking AIS and Howdy multiple times a day. Her major is Wildlife and Fisheries Science. Good luck to those still waiting! I feel your pain.

@WaldingAg91 Wildlife and Fisheries here too! Congrats to your daughter.

My Howdy keeps kicking me off when I want to look at the Applicant tab! So frustrating…

I personally haven’t heard of anyone getting into anything that hasn’t been a business major or engineering. I wonder if they’re getting those out of the way first because a huge chunk of students usually apply there.
Hopefully the rest of us will know Thursday or Friday. Maybe even on Saturday or the week after. I can’t stand this waiting game…

Thank you for posting this! Very helpful!

@kaydeeloo Thank you! Hopefully they’ll get to these Ag majors soon.

When did you apply: 8/1/16
When did you get your UIN: 8/5/16
When did you receive your admission decision: 2/4/17
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1st Business 2nd Engineering
Did you get in: Blinn Team - General Studies
Class Rank: VERY competitive Catholic college prep school that doesn’t rank, but A&M placed me in the 2nd quarter with whatever calculations they use. GPA 3.85 unweighted
SAT: 1400
ACT: 30

Varsity pitcher, 225+ service hours, Ambassador for my school, Cystic Fibrosis Teen Advocate, full time job last 3 summers and part during during the year.

I was told Mays Business fills up with all auto admits, so thankful I got Blinn Team. Knowing I have to maintain a 3.5 GPA to transfer in will keep me focused.

My son was a biomedical science review admit and received his official AIS update acceptance yesterday. So yes other majors are open. His Howdy tabs moved from 3 to 6 two days prior and we were able to apply for housing before AIS updated.

Wow, an August admit! Congrats! Nice to see a member of the 6 month club get notified. A BIMS admit post as well. Would be nice to post admit for my daughter as she is both.

@tawoo95 They don’t have fall 2017 up yet but you might be interested in this http://blinnteam.tamu.edu/AdmissionAgreements.aspx

Just spoke to an admission counselor and was advised that they will not be able to complete reviewing all the application before the 11th and they will be reviewing applications through the end of this month. I was also advised that they are still doing full admits as well as Gateway, Blinn, and PSA through the end of the month.

@Bree98 I know exactly what you’re talking about with the admissions tab kicking you out of Howdy, mine’s been doing the exact same thing this entire past week. I can’t help but think it’s because the site is just super busy with people, like us, that’ve been obsessively checking Howdy and AIS this week for the final wave :confused:

@neighbor64 Thank you so much!!

@peytonblair17 Yes! I assumed that might have a been a reason. I asked Admissions and they said that it wasn’t normal and if I experienced major issues to contact the CIS help desk.

My daughter was admitted to Blinn Team. Applied to Liberal Arts.

ACT 28
Top 25%
SAT 1300
Lots of service hours and leadership positions
NHS, etc.
Very strong letters of recommendation

If she had 2 points higher on ACT she would have been admitted automatically (ugh). Truthfully she’s pretty disappointed that it’s not full admit. Mostly because she worked her butt off and feels like she had higher expectations for herself. She wants to rush and supposedly Blinn Team girls are at a big disadvantage going in. The sororities tend to cut them first. I’m hoping she will come around and see past that possible downside and realize it’s an acceptance into her dream school that many would love to have. Blinn Team is NOT easy to get into. It’s an accomplishment for sure. Good luck to all of you still waiting.

@GigemMom congrats!

Has anyone been admitted to TAMU/Blinn that had a lower ACT?
Seems like everyone who’s being admitted right now have the higher scores.

@GigemMom Congrats! What was her exact class ranking?

My daughter’s Gateway is official. Her Howdy page moved from 3 tabs to 6 this past weekend. Also her major changed to General Studies and her term changed to 2017 Summer. Her In Review status in AIS did not change until yesterday around noon. It changed to “You’ve Been Admitted to Gateway!”

Ok, I am the mom of a junior, so I am looking ahead as I am an Ag of '91 and my S dreams of going to CS and joining the Corps. I know most kids don’t want Blinn Team because it is a provisional type of acceptance. However, does it end up being less expensive than being admitted fully into the main campus? Or does it end up being more expensive because one has to pay fees, etc at two campuses? Just trying to find the silver lining if Blinn Team is his only alternative. If anyone has had a child transition from Blinn Team to full acceptance, I would be most appreciative of an answer. He is in the top 25% (25.6%, actually so he has to try & bring that up this semester) and has 1330 New SAT, but he retook the SAT in January to try and get auto acceptance. This is all so stressful already!

Had son do Blinn Team for 2 years before full time at A&M. Much cheaper. Was in the corps as Blinn team member. There really wasn’t much of a downside. Granted that was about 8 years ago so a more current parent would be more helpful. Seems the program has much stronger students these days, numbers wise at least. As stressed as we all are, just a note, son was offered on Graduation day which was end of May,early June back then. (They don’t do that anymore, thank God) He was all set to go elsewhere full time but switched to Blinn team.