TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@AGmomx2 I’m very tempted to call but felt bad bugging them bc I know they sit be swamped!

We have had a small change in the system. Somewhere between 9:00 pm and midnight yesterday, Ds “change major” button disappeared from her Howdy account. By 4:30 am, her “change major” button had also disappeared from AIS. No other changes. Still listed as application to same semester, CS campus, and her 1st choice major is still civil engineering and second choice still environmental design…

@DocCope a few pages back, someone said that before they got PSA, they lost the “change major” button and that was their only initial change. I don’t want to be a Debbie downer, I just don’t want you to tell your kiddo about the change (unless it’s too late). Saying a little prayer for positive Howdy changes for her!!!



@gogogogobruins based on years of being on this forum, if you really are interested in attending here I would call to verify now. Once the slots are gone, they are gone. Appeal process is difficult. It is a very large school, with thousands of applicants - if you call for a legitimate concern it shows interest vs. not caring about the outcome. Your son being homeschooled could make the phone call during business hours, if he’s really interested.

My major is still the same…and college station 2017…I think that’s full admission? I’m not going to get my hopes up!

I am so glad I found this forum. My daughter hasn’t heard anything, and I check a few times each day. She had a 29 on the ACT but has a 3.99 GPA (unweighted) with several dual enrollment classes, NHS, varsity athlete, very active, etc. She is my fourth child to go through the college admittance process, and I have never seen anything like this. We are OOS, though, and very unfamiliar with the process, so this has been helpful. Thanks to everyone and I had to jump on and say CONGRATS to @Bree98!

@CindyLou13 Thank you so much! :heart: I have faith for everyone on this form! I’ll keep y’all in my thoughts and prayers. Hold on tight!

I’ll be rooting everyone on over the next few weeks.

Hopefully everyone (especially the OOS applicants) has an affordable (I would be super doubtful there are any merit scholarships being handed out at this point) in-state option or backup where they are already accepted and where they would be happy to attend.

Good luck!

@kaydeeloo Thank you for your response - I saw the post earlier this week about that particular change leading to PSA. I have not mentioned the change to my daughter, because I am worried this might be the outcome. If she’s offered PSA, she will likely choose to attend Blinn for a year, then apply as a transfer student. She also has other admissions offers in hand, but still seems to be leaning toward finding her place at A&M. I’ll be happy with any college she chooses, I am just dreading the impending heartbreak if she isn’t accepted to TAMU.

@Bree98 My son’s stats are similar to yours; SAT 1200, ACT 24, GPA 3.5, Rank 25%, Liberal Arts/Economics…your changes give me hope!
Please oh please let this be a positive change for you! Definitely sounds like a full admit!!!

@Bree98 Congrats!! Been crossing fingers for you!!!

@blonde1999 @crossingfingers1 y’all are amazing! I’m so so happy! This form has helped me so much with my anxiety and just over all being informed on what to expect.

I hope TAMU2022 will read this and will feel the same way!

First of all Congratulations to all those who have been admitted! We are losing our minds waiting to find out if we are in or out. We just want to know what college our daughter will be attending in the fall, ugh! I called the admissions office this morning and I was told that they are not going to get all decisions made by this Saturday. He said that they have so many applicants this year that it will not be possible to get all decisions out by this Saturday and that decisions will be going out from now till mid to end of March, ugh! My daughter applied to the College of Education. I asked if it was full and they said no. So if you are applying to the College of Education you still have a shot of getting in. My daughter’s stats are:
Rank is 187/870 (21%)
1200 SAT
23 ACT
6.3 GPA weighted
3 essays, 3 letters of recommendation (one from director of scholarships at Texas A&M College of Education). Lots of activities and lots of volunteer hours.

Good luck and lots of patience to those who are still waiting!!!

I had a 22 ACT and was in top 12% with a 3.8 GPA.
There’s a lot of hope. Especially when you have Service hours and ECs

Were you admitted recently? Did you get full admissions to TAMU College Station? What was your major?

Anxiously awaiting a decision! I feel pretty certain my daughter will get Blinn Team at the most at this point, but I hope I am wrong! My first daughter had even better stats and was offered Blinn Team 3 years ago. I have to say, I didn’t like the Blinn team process. There was a lot of misinformation and confusion. Class scheduling the first year was an absolute nightmare that I hope they have fixed since then! She is now set to graduate from A&M this May, but she hated the Blinn experience. Just being honest. She was so stressed and said the Blinn classes were way worse than her A&M ones! She told me a lot of the full-time aggies make fun of Blinn team students, so that was upsetting. She said at functions they would say, “are you an actual aggie, or a blindergartener” My second daughter has been accepted into Galveston, though we haven’t accepted, but I am encouraging her to accept that over Blinn if that is what she is offered. My daughter saw many students not maintain the 3.0 and had to transfer to another college at the 2 year mark for Team. I am glad she made it and is about to graduate, but not sure I want another daughter to go through all of that stress. Especially when these are EXCEPTIONAL students!!! A major change is way easier and less stressful in my opinion, though you still have to keep your grades high, it isn’t an “all or nothing” deal depending on your major choice. Crossing fingers for an answer soon! I hope this post doesn’t get anyone down, but I wish I would have heard some of those things before we decided with my first.

Has anyone ever been accepted without doing the 3rd essay? I didn’t realize it was highly recommended until it was already too late. stats are 15%, 29 act

I am waiting to hear my decision. I am applying for education. Here are my stats:

Gpa: 4.0
SAT: 1860. (Reading- 580 , Math-620, writing- 660)
Class rank: top 25%
ECs: softball freshaman year, basketball freshman, sophomore and junior year, and cross country junior year
a volunteering program
I wrote all 3 essays and had 2 teacher recommendations

What do you think my chances are?
I would be disappointed with blinn team but would end up doing it if I had to