TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

Any Lib Arts Review applicants that have received an admission decision yet?

@sayyes2021 I am a review applicant with my major as communications and I haven’t heard back yet.

@sayyes201 nothing here yet for my daughter

@sayyes2021 Nothing for my son

CONGRATS to all seeing 6 tabs!! That’s amazing!! Goes to show that checking on the weekend is needed :open_mouth:

@sayyes2021 my son’s first choice is business which is apparently full, second choice Liberal Arts Economics. only hearing crickets at our house.

Our AIS hasn’t updated yet
 our son chose history as first major. I don’t think he picked second. If he did, it was German.

so frustrating. When 6 tabs do pop up I am likely to have a stroke.

@DianeVa the GREAT thing about TAMU- Galveston is you are an AGGIE just like in Cstat. It is the maritime branch, if there was an ocean in CSTAT the school would be there
that being said a lot of people use TAMUG as a backdoor to CSTAT because all you have to do is literally change your major and you’re automatically transferred if you qualify for whatever major your trying to get into. You don’t have to apply to main campus just put in a change of major like from general studies at TAMUG to education at CSTAT and you will transfer
My son is a Jr at TAMUG and planned on transferring but loves it there and will get his business degree (maritime but still its a business degree from A&M). He will get his Aggie Ring in the fall! Whoop, its a great way to get to Cstat
go to an info meeting there! She or he can take basic classes there just like at main campus but the ratio is like 30 to 1 vs’ 300-500 to 1 also! Good luck!

Congrats to everyone who is seeing changes. Nothing yet for my D. If the extra three tabs appear again, we won’t take it to mean anything until an official notice. Hopefully our “disappearing tabs” from December wasn’t a cruel joke of sorts and the come back. Either way she will accept what happens and move on. TAMUG seems a like a good fallback option.

Nothing new on our end either. Thank you all who have posted here. I’ve been following since November and it is helpful. We are OOS so I know our chances are slim, but he is still holding out hope!

@Thelma2 I did not attend the presentation, my friend did. She really liked what they offered, her son was not so sure. She said they kept stressing that it was just a branch of A&M since they couldn’t fit all the engineering students on the main campus. She did say the Galveston kids get to pull for football tickets, come up for midnight yell and other activities. She said there was plenty of campus housing, etc. And she really liked the fact it was so much cheaper. I will ask if they have a website to view the presentation. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

@windfan01 we are OOS too! we got 6 tabs yesterday, but no change on AIS yet
 I know it’s crazy! I think we’ve gotten so used to immediate responses because of the internet. I remember when I went to college in while dinosaurs still roamed the earth, we just had to wait for the acceptance letter in the mail. lol. Don’t lose hope!! I her full acceptances are still going out at least for the next 2 weeks! :slight_smile:

yay! Housing application became available!

We got 6 tabs yesterday and today it is allowing me to sign up for housing! YIPPPEEE! Now if that AIS would change so we can figure out if she got full admission or Blinn team!

We are still waiting. My son applied late November first choice is BIMS/biomedical science with second being biology. No change in Howdy or AIS yet.

2 more weeks is what the admissions office is predicting! don’t give up hope :slight_smile: We applied in late November too. They are slowly but surely getting through the apps!

still waiting here too
 my son applied Nov 1
 math major.

I have a friend who applied in early August and hasn’t even heard yet. They shouldn’t say rolling admissions if they won’t stick to it

@warrior101x I think it IS a rolling admission. That doesn’t mean if you apply early, you hear early. they just release the results as they figure out. :slight_smile:

Applied August 1st and still waiting!!! Torture!!!