TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@peytonblair17 exactly the same way w me. I’ve been devastated ever since that button disappeared :frowning:

Our howdy tab disappeared on Monday night. Tuesday morning AIS tab was gone. I emailed question about that and was told it only meant major choices were full. Others on this thread called and were told same thing. By a little after 5 on Tuesday we were offered PSA. Disappointed in the way they choose to answer a direct question. Glad to know though, and we are now able to look at the other great options we have.

So if his major is Business and his Howdy change major tab disappeared then he won’t be offered PSA? Business college doesn’t participate in PSA?

@tessty My S 1st choice was Business and 2nd choice Economics. He was still offered PSA. I know it makes no sense. My understanding is he would have to apply as normal transfer which seems to take away any benefit of PSA. I know a lot of people who apply to easier majors in hopes of getting in easier. That seems to work but then you have practically get a 4.0 to get into major you really want. My older son got blinn TEAB (engineering version of TEAM) in 2015. Opted to go to OU instead and looking back, was a good decision. He is doing well and loves the school. And did not have the added stress of wondering if he would be able to get into the engineering college.

@tessty It means he could still be offered PSA, he will just have choose a different major. The first requirement in gaining admissions from PSA to A&M is to complete specific course requirements from one of the approved TAMU program-specific degree plans. There is not an Approved TAMU program-specific degree plan for Business.

@Thelma2, @tgtjleal Well, thank you for the information. That helps me understand the situation. tgtjleal, my oldest just graduated from engineering at OU and said going there (turned down TAMU bc way back when, you’d choose another engineering major if your first choice was full) was the best decision he ever made. Nothing to do with academics, just meeting new people and experiencing something different. Our high school sends at least 60 students to TAMU so it can be a bit too familiar for some. Like your son, this son’s major choice was business and then Econ. S is accepted to OU and Ole Miss, wants to study accounting, so we will take another look at both of those schools.

I am hoping that there will only be good news for everyone waiting. Surely there are a few full admittance positions left…

@Thelma2: What happens with all of the offers of Full Admission or Gateway or Blinn Team that are NOT accepted? Do those slots open up to people who were further down the selection chain than that original applicant?
Are there any plans to expand the TAMU CStat or Blinn-Team physical campuses to accommodate more students so that so many EXTREMELY qualified students don’t find themselves stuck in a PSA? And is it just the limitation of space for the Freshman core courses that causes the squeeze? If they are accepting the students who fulfill Blinn Team or PSA as transfers later, why is there “space” for them then and not as Freshmen? I just don’t understand.

I like the process that someone mentioned about the UC system: Top 10% in your HS class guarantees admission to ONE of the schools in the system but not necessarily UCBerkley. Sounds like TAMU and tu need to go to that system soon. There are so many affiliated or branch schools for each. Or maybe dropping down to automatic admittance for the Top 5% or requiring a minimum SAT/ACT and a minimum gpa for top 10% or top 5%. Students have a lot more control over their own scores on SAT/ACT and their gpa but very little control over their class rank.

NOW I really understand why some people who have children zoned to our HS actually enroll their children in neighboring HS: so their child ends up with a much higher class rank. BUT I don’t think that those other schools prepare them well for college. College can be a big shock for students who never had to study and never learned to study. It was for me back in the ancient days of the late '70’s, so that is why our girls go to the competitive school and not one of the 'easy ones". We moved to this house just for the school, and our house backs up to the school property so that we would hopefully never be rezone out of this HS! The SAT average (which is what my D scored) for our HS is 150 points higher than the next highest school in the District and 250 points higher than the average SAT score for the ENTIRE District.

@tessty Maybe our boys will meet up at OU in the fall!! Just wish it were closer to home!!

Both are change major buttons are gone this morning…

For those of you getting the student directory messages - that is the permission to release your name to others including some scholarship opportunities, as well as meet & greets for your local Aggies. They use to just release the names, but they now have to have your permission. If you do not give permission, the local groups do not have you on their lists - there are lots of them worldwide. Both of my kids got scholarships from the local Aggie group. Aggie Moms are also in many places & you can affiliate if you don’t have one nearby. They provide support & information - some have scholarship programs which are open to all Aggies.

I can’t figure out why we didn’t get the e-mail. My son was accepted last Friday.

They also sent them after you apply. Check your child’s email. They are also on Howdy I think but I can’t Rembert exactly where.

Can someone remind me what that means if both change major buttons are gone in Howdy and AIS? All of this has me confused reading comments.

@kaydeeloo maybe it was already updated when you first applied? we didn’t get an e-mail either but I remember checking a box for directory release either when we first applied or when we activated AIS.

ok that makes sense. I remember something similar too. I just don’t want to miss anything.

@aggie95 sorry to say, but both change major buttons disappearing means PSA. It seems to disappear in Howdy first, and then a few hours later in AIS… and then a few hours after that AIS will update with PSA. This is what happened for my son as well as everyone else I’ve seen on here both this year and last year…

“What happens with all of the offers of Full Admission or Gateway or Blinn Team that are NOT accepted? Do those slots open up to people who were further down the selection chain than that original applicant?”

No, slots do not open up if someone admitted declines their admission decision. These numbers are built in their process, as they expect a certain percentage to decline.

“Are there any plans to expand the TAMU CStat or Blinn-Team physical campuses to accommodate more students so that so many EXTREMELY qualified students don’t find themselves stuck in a PSA?”

This I do not know anything about expanding Cstat or Blinn-Team. Engineering is expanding by opening up a new Engineering Academy at Austin Community College.

“And is it just the limitation of space for the Freshman core courses that causes the squeeze? If they are accepting the students who fulfill Blinn Team or PSA as transfers later, why is there “space” for them then and not as Freshmen? I just don’t understand.”

This is from an Admissions person from 2015 about the alternative pathways.
"There is absolutely no difference in the way the decisions are made for TEAM, Gateway or full admits. We use a holistic process for all of them. We look at class rank, test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, etc. TEAM and Gateway are just different forms of freshman admission.The rank and test scores are viewed together and they make up around 50% of the decision. The essays, personal achievement, etc. make up the other 50%. For a student that comes from a non-ranking high school, we use their GPA in relation to their school’s grading scale to assign a quartile ranking. Other than that, GPA is not even considered in our process.

“When we look at the rank and test scores, we determine a projected GPA here at TAMU. We use algorithms to combine a student’s rank and test scores and it produces 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, so on and so forth. Once we see what a student’s projected GPA is, we begin weighing all the other components.
TAMU assigns the class rank. We don’t consider any information from the school about previous years. We look at the student’s GPA in relation to their school’s grading scale. As of right now, TAMU does not consider where a student attends high school when making the admission decision.”

So, based on the algorithems, a students projected success is taken into account and it seems that an ease into college is what is being offered.

“I like the process that someone mentioned about the UC system: Top 10% in your HS class guarantees admission to ONE of the schools in the system but not necessarily UCBerkley. Sounds like TAMU and tu need to go to that system soon. There are so many affiliated or branch schools for each.”

UT and A&M already have guarantee to their system schools through CAP and PSA. UT has their PACE program similar to Blinn Team. TAMU uses predetermined class rank/test scores minimums to qualify you for guaranteed admission at various System Institutions. Most students are eligible for automatic admission at all 8 System Institutions, but some students aren’t.

If a top 10% admit applies to the system schools directly, they are automatically accepted as well.

“Or maybe dropping down to automatic admittance for the Top 5% or requiring a minimum SAT/ACT and a minimum gpa for top 10% or top 5%. Students have a lot more control over their own scores on SAT/ACT and their gpa but very little control over their class rank.”

Why should they do this? To have more room for review admits? Those who are now the top 6-10% will now become highly qualified review applicants. Most top 10% are not just top ranked with nothing behind them to justify their ranking. They tend to be very accomplished all the way around as well as review admits with lower ranks/scores, etc. They way they are doing it now seems to be working for them. It doesn’t always seem fair. I know. My kid was highly accomplished going through the process but not enough compared to the other candidates and he was rejected from his first choice school.

A&M does have a way to auto admissions through their Academic Admit, which allows for highly qualified candidates that are out of the top 10% rank. They do require a minimum SAT/ACT score with minumum scores in each category.

Sorry if this is not coherent. I am rushing to leave town and trying to be thorough. I am not succeeding in either.

For anyone who has received a PSA offer, I encourage you/your student to read up on the program. There are are some helpful FAQs. http://admissions.tamu.edu/PSA

That is what I was afraid of

Does anyone still have the “change of major” button? Disappeared on howdy yesterday afternoon, and disappeared on AIS at around 7 am this morning. Now just waiting…

@tamulover2 yes on both Howdy and AIS…